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I got inspired by one of you in the comments to write this. I don't plan on writing more on this book, because I have other books to take care of. I know I say this a lot but thank you, I appreciate everything.~

Version I

Min's POV:

"Where are we going?" Mark shushed me, making me roll my eyes as he dragged me around.

"I'm not supposed to tell you anything."

"Says who?" I laughed at him and he shushed me again.

"Me." This made me roll my eyes again. "I'm kidding, we're going to go iceskating." I widened my eyes at him and he chuckled, before grabbing my hand, instead of my wrist.

"I'm really bad at doing things like that." I whined as I tried to hide my blushing cheeks and he shrugged with a sly grin.

"So am I."

"Then why are we going to do this, if we're going to fail?" I laughed as we reached the ice skatepark and he squeezed my hand, before walking inside, dragging me right behind him.

"We won't fail."


"Mark, we're already failing and we're not even on the ice yet." I laughed, holding onto the railing and he slowly placed his feet on the ice. "Come on, nerd! Give me your hand!" He reached out his hand and I hesitantly took it, before he slowly dragged me onto the ice.

"See, we're doing go-" Before he even could finish his sentence, I slipped and landed on my butt, making him let out a laugh.

"Don't laugh at me, idiot." I couldn't help but laugh as well as he slipped too and we both sat there for a minute, laughing.
"I don't know how to get up.." I mumbled as Mark had stood up and he held out his hand once again.

"This isn't an excuse to hold your hand, don't worry." He smirked and helped me up.

"Now, let the real fun begin!" I raised my eyebrows at him, while I tried to make my legs stop wobbling and he nodded.

"Let's have a race!" He exclaimed, to which I quickly shook my head.

"The loser buys hot chocolate!"

"Deal. I'm gonna lose, but I want hot chocolate." I shakily skated up beside him as he started to count down.

"Three, two, one, go!" He exclaimed, making me set off, but it didn't go that well.
"I'm gonna fall!" I shouted at him, making some people turn their heads and he stopped some feet away from me.

"No, you won't!" He exclaimed, before skating again and I groaned slightly, before doing the same. I eventually caught up to him, since he was skating very slow on purpose and he took my hand.

"I thought this was a competition." He shook his head at me as we started skating together and he pulled my slightly closer.

"In the beginning it was, now I just want to skate with you." He mumbled and I felt a smile appear.

"Let's get some hot chocolate."


Version II

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