|| So Complicated ||

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Min's POV:

"You can't ignore them forever, you know?" Sojin sighed as my phone started ringing again and I shrugged.

"I know, I just need to figure out my feelings, you know?" She nodded understanding and patted down on her bed, making me sit down beside her.

"I'll help you."

I raised my eyebrows at her and she nodded. "I'm serious, who's the one with a perfect boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes and rubbed my face, before nodding.

"It's you."

"Exactly, that's why I'm going to help you! So what do you feel, when you're with the guys?" I gave her an odd look and she looked at me with the same face, making me roll my eyes.
"I feel so happy around them.. I get nervous and I blush easily." I sighed and rested my head on her shoulder as she nodded.

"But if you have to hang out with both of them, who are you most excited about hanging out with?"
"Both of them." I couldn't see her face but I was pretty sure, she rolled her eyes.

"Who do you think is the nicest and who do you think is the best looking?"
"Both of them and both of them." She let out a groan and I shrugged.

"You're not helping me, or yourself right now!" She exclaimed and I looked at her, with a slight pout.

"I like both of them, okay? Now you know, I just don't know which one I like the most!" She sighed and grabbed my face, squeezing it slightly.

"It's like you're playing with them. I've noticed that sometimes you're all over Mark and other times you're all over Jaemin." I tried to look away, but she kept my face still.
"You have to promise me, that you won't do that anymore, okay? You can't play with them like that, just, when you see them again, act like you would with any of your friends!" I nodded after she stopped rambling and she smiled, letting go of my face.

"Good, you really have to think everything through, before confessing to them. They're both really nice guys, you really need to think about who you choose." I nodded again and fiddled with the hem of my shirt.

"I don't know what to do." I buried my face in my hands and let out sigh.
"Everything is so complicated, how can both of them like me? I'm so boring and basic, seriously." Sojin shook her head with a smile and gave me a side hug.

"Min, you're so different from others and I think, that's why, both of them likes you!" I smiled slightly and thanked her with a hug.
"But you must be quite interesting as well, you got Jeno." After saying that, her face flushed and she started hitting me.

"Shut up, back to you."


"No, let me go, stop. Someone help! I'm being kidnapped!" I shouted and Sojin glared at me as she dragged me towards the SM building.

"Shut up, you need to confront your problems, not run away from them!" I tried hitting her hand, but she didn't let go and she managed to push me into the building.

As soon as we were inside, I wriggled out of her grip, but before I could run away, she grabbed my wrist again.

"Stop being like this, you don't have to talk to them, just at least be there!" She walked towards the practice room, completely ignoring my whines and complaints.

As we reached the door, I took a deep breath as she opened the door and everyone turned their head towards us.

I shifted uncomfortably under the stare of Mark and Jaemin as Sojin walked over to Jeno.

"Hey, Min! Come sit beside me!" Donghyuck exclaimed and the two boys stared at him sternly as I walked towards him.
"If only you knew, how much they've argued today." He mumbled to me as I sat down and I looked away.

"Hey, it's not your fault, they're just acting like children." Jisung reassured me and I heard someone clear their throat.

"Minnie?" I looked up at Jaemin hesitantly and he sent me a smile.
"Are you okay? You look tired." I felt relief fill my body at his question and I nodded. "I am a bit tired, I'm a bit stressed out at the moment." Mark smiled slightly at me.

"Take as much time as you need." I felt myself ease a bit as I nodded again, with a small smile.

"Now, let's not be depressed! Let's all be happy!" Donghyuck exclaimed and Mark rolled his eyes.

"Too much positivity."

"You can't be too positive, right, Min?" I shrugged at Donghyuck's question and I looked towards Sojin, who was leaning against Jeno.
"You're too positive and too honest sometimes." I looked back at Donghyuck who rolled his eyes and grinned.

"Well, someone has to be honest and roast the others, am I right?" I shrugged once again and Donghyuck started talking again, but this time I couldn't focus on what he was saying, because my own thoughts were everywhere.

"Are you okay, Min?" I looked at Jisung who looked slightly concerned and I sent him a small smile before nodding.
"You don't seem like it, you're usually just as loud as Donghyuck, but you're really quite today." I looked at Donghyuck who was telling a story about himself, before looking back at Jisung.

"Everything is just too complicated right now." I decided to end the conversation by looking at the others who actually seemed interested in Donghyuck's story.

"Do you want some water, Min?" I heard Renjun ask quietly, holding out a bottle of water and I grabbed it with a smile.
"Thank you." I took a sip of the water and decided to join in with the others and listen to his story.


"Did we do good?" Renjun walked over to me and Sojin with Chenle right behind him. "You guys were fantastic, as always!" I complimented them and their faces lit up before running back to the others.
"They're so innocent, I swear." Sojin mumbled and I nodded with big eyes.

"You did great!" Jeno walked over and kissed Sojin's cheek, making me look away quickly.

I saw Jaemin walk towards me and he sat down beside me, but I didn't say anything.
"I'm really sorry about all the pressure.. I felt really bad yesterday, I hope you're okay.." He looked down as Mark began walking towards us as well and I nodded.

"I'm fine, just really tired." Mark sat down in front of us and Jaemin nodded with a smile.
"You have to sleep!" Mark scolded jokingly and as smile formed on my lips.
"And drink a lot of water!" Jaemin joined in.

"And just remember to take good care of yourself." I smiled at Mark and nodded, promising to take care of myself.

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