|| Getting Closer ||

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Min's POV:

   "This new guy started training with us yesterday.." A sigh left my best friend as he leaned against the locker, his eyes never leaving me as I opened the locker beside him.

   "I feel so bad for you." My eyes moved to the ceiling in an eye roll, and I felt something hit my shoulder lightly.

   "Stop being like that!" A laugh escaped Jaemin, and a small smile sneaked onto my face as I shut the locker once again, turning to him.

   "But seriously, he's a weird guy.." My shoulders moved up into a shrug as he had continued, and he squinted his eyes at me, weirding me out a bit as I raised my eyebrows at him.

   "You're oddly happy today." Oddly?

   "What do you mean?" A small laugh left me as his eyes continued to stay squinted, and a small grin broke out onto his face, before he shrugged, grabbing my arm.

   "I don't know, your face is, like, shining." Moving closer, he started examining my face, only earning a light push, I felt a bit embarrassed by the narrow distance between our faces.

   "So, what's his name?" Jaemin knew I was talking about the new trainee, so he didn't question and only answered, dragging me towards the school gates.

   "Eh.. What was it again? Mark, I think." It felt weird, my heart kind of skipped a beat as both my eyes turned larger as I widened them, and my jaw dropped slightly.

   "What's with that face?" The question had to be asked as he looked at me, a bit confused by my overdramatic expression, and I quickly shook my head, laughing awkwardly.

   "It's just.. Yesterday, I met this guy, and his name was Mark.." The boy turned to face the ground as we kept on walking, and he then mumbled quietly;

   "I don't think it's the same person.."

   "Probably not. I'll see you tomorrow!" Shouting, I cupped my hands in front of my mouth, before sending him a wave, which he returned, and I headed towards the cafe.


   The boy was already sitting by a table, and I spotted him as soon as I stepped into the cafe.

   "What's up, Min?" My mind went to one of the bad dad-like jokes, which I couldn't help but exclaim at him, and he only chuckled at it.

   "The sky."

   "Ah okay, how was your day?" After sitting down in front of him, he shot me that question, leaning back in his seat, and my shoulder moved up in a shrug.

   "Fine, I guess, how was yours?" He groaned at that.

   "Tiring.." With that he placed his head on the table, which resembled Jaemin in so many ways.

   "Now, let's order something before they kick us out!" He said, standing up and walking towards the counter with me right behind him.

   The both of us ordered exactly what we had ordered yesterday and sat back down quickly, not wanting to waste any minute.

   "So, when should I start teaching you how to dance?" The question got thrown at me randomly, and I choked on my own spit at that, my eyes turning wide once again.

   "Do you really want to see me dance?" Coughing, I tried not to suffocate myself, and his head moved up and down really quickly in an excited nod.

   "You can't be that bad.." His statement made me let out an airy laugh, not believing that ridiculous sentence just left his mouth, and he nodded.

   "I'm really stiff." My arms crossed over my chest.

   "You're quite stubborn, aren't you?" He questioned, copying my actions, painting a small pout onto my face.

   "So are you.." My remark earned an eye roll from the boy just in time for a woman to step up to us and place two mugs on the table, the steam reaching my nose as I grabbed mine.

   "Maybe.." The wink he sent, surprisingly sent the blood in my body to my face as I took a large gulp of the hot chocolate.

   "Your ears are turning red." A smirk appeared on his face as that sentence slipped from his mouth, and I looked away as I said the next words;

   "It's not my fault! I usually don't hang out with guys a lot.."

   "Liar.. You're avoiding my eyes, so how many guy friends do you have?" The teasing didn't stop, only making my face turn at least a shade darker.

   "This is fun, don't you agree?" A sigh left him teasingly as I sent a glare in his direction.

   "Wow, your ears are so red." No words left me as I covered my ears, turning more embarrassed by the minute, and he started chuckling slightly, which eventually turned into full out laughter.

   Mark's laugh was really contagious, and I couldn't help myself as I started laughing as well.

   "Your laugh is so contagious!" To that he let another giggle rumble from him as I wiped my eyes.

   "I've heard that a lot!" While saying that, he gazed into my eyes, which made me look away, my eyes rolling slightly.

   "Stop doing that." My hand moved up to fan my face.

   "Is it because of my good looks?" Not giving me a chance to answer completely as I shook my head, he continued;

   "If you say so.. Have you finished?" Looking down into my empty mug, I nodded my head, grinning slightly as he sent me a sly grin, standing up quickly.

   "Good! Then let's go!" At the same time he exclaimed that, he reached over to grab my hand, only giving me time to let out a small gasp, before he started dragging me out of the cafe.

   "Let's go to the park!" The hand interlocked with mine didn't disappear.

   "B-but it's really far away.." Stuttering, I looked away in embarrassment, but Mark didn't seem to care as he started dragging me towards the nearest park.


Jaemin's POV:

   "Is he really late?" At my question, Renjun only shrugged, and so did the others as I turned to look at them.

   "Maybe he had something important to do.." Donghyuck guessed, and as if on cue, the late boy ran in.

   "Sorry, I'm late!" He was out of breath as those words left him, and I sighed, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

   "It happens!" The others nodded, making Mark sigh out of relief, a smile appearing on his face.

   "Now, since we didn't get to see your skills yesterday, show us what you got!" At that a very big grin spread across his face as his hands stretched out, his knuckles cracking slightly.

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