|| Who? ||

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Min's POV:

Snow was starting to cover everything outside and it was much, much colder.

A lot of days went by, with all of us hanging out and soon it wasn't too awkward between us.

Until today, when I realized something.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I dragged Sojin into my room and shut the door, before leaning up against it.

"My feelings are messed up."

"I know." I sat down beside her before burying my face in my hands.
"What happened? Everything seemed to be going okay.." I looked at her before shrugging and I laid down.
"I think, you're stressed." I glared at her as she shrugged.

"I'm not stressed, my feelings are just messed up!"
"I can see that.."

"You aren't helping." I sat up as she apologized. "But what do you mean? Why are they messed up?" I let out a sigh as she rubbed my shoulder.

"I know who I like the most.."


Jaemin's POV:

"I'm surprised, you haven't killed each other yet." Donghyuck said as me and Mark had this kind of staring contest, but with glaring.
"You guys act okay, when Min's here.." Jisung said and I looked at him, making Mark let out a snicker.

"I don't want her to think, that we hate each other." I told him and Jeno raised an eyebrow.

"But don't you ha-"

"I don't hate him, I just dislike him at the moment."
"Well, the feeling is mutual." Mark glared at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Can you not?" Donghyuck threw a cap at me, making me glare at him instead.
"Why can't you just live a simple life, without hating each other?" He sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"We just debuted, we're not living a simple life."
"And we don't hate each other, I just-"
"Dislike him at the moment." Jeno finished his sentence, making him scoff.

"Do you know what? I'm gonna call Min right now and tell her to come over!" Donghyuck found his phone and I widened my eyes, my heartbeat speeding up as well.
"What? Why?" He seemed to ignore me as he tapped the screen on his phone and I looked at Mark, who shrugged.

"Is Sojin coming as well?" I looked at Jeno who had this small smile on his face as Donghyuck nodded.
"They're probably together right now." He mumbled, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"I'm telling her to come over, so we can put an end to this. It annoys me to see you guys like this." My eyes widened even more and I saw Mark's eyes widen as well.
"No! You can't do that! She needs time to think!" Mark exclaimed, just as Donghyuck shrugged with this grin on his face.

"Too late." I groaned and rubbed my face before standing up.

"Do you think that, her telling who she likes the most, will help anything?" I heard Jisung ask Donghyuck, who sighed and I looked at them. "I hope so." He mumbled as I let out a sigh before walking around the practice room, trying to get out the adrenaline, which was building up inside of me.

Mark walked towards me as I leaned against the mirror and held out his hand.
"Let's see, who she likes the most." He had a smirk on his face and I scoffed, ignoring his hand.
"That look will be wiped off your face, when she confesses, that she likes me." He rolled his eyes and before he could move his hand away, I grabbed it quickly, squeezing it pretty hard.

"We'll see." He walked towards the others and I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh, before looking down.

"Yeah, we will."


Mark's POV:

The sound of someone knocking on the door, broke the silence in the room and the door was opened, revealing Min and Sojin.

A smile spread across my face and I walked over, to hug Min.
Jaemin hugged her as well, but held her a little too long for my liking.

"How.. Are you?" Chenle asked them and I heard a giggle leave Min's lips, which made me a bit confused, since she usually wasn't one to giggle.
"You're so cute, I'm good!" Chenle grinned at her, happy about the compliment, that he had heard so many times.

"Do you have any plans? Like since your exam is over?" Min shrugged at Jisung's question as Sojin nodded.
"I have!" Sojin leaned into Jeno, who smiled at her.
"I think I'll just clean toilets or something." Min laid down on the floor and stretched her arms above her head, making her shirt crawl up slightly. I felt blood rush to my face and I quickly looked away.

"Min, your shirt." I heard Jaemin laugh awkwardly and I looked back at her as Jaemin pulled the shirt down a bit, making me feel a weird feeling inside.
"How can you get jealous, about such a simple thing as that?" My head snapped towards Donghyuck as he whispered it to me and he tilted his head slightly.
"Don't even try to deny it, I can see it." I scoffed and looked back at Min.

"You're really smart, that's why you're a nerd." I ruffled her hair, making her pout and slap my hands away, but the blush on her cheeks was clearly visible.

"That was a bit random, but thank you." She grinned as I shook my head. "You said, you were going to clean toilets, but when you're as smart as you are, you should be a teacher or something."

"Min doesn't want to be a teacher, she wants to get as far away from the school as she can, but how could you have known?" Jaemin sent me a look as I scoffed, crossing my arms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know that, about your best friend." I raised my eyebrows with a smirk as he rolled his eyes and Min looked quite confused.

"Okay, Min." Donghyuck exclaimed loudly and she looked at him.

"What's u-?"

"Donghyuck." I looked at him sternly, but he ignored my stare and sent Min a smile.

"I want to know.."

"Haechan." Jaemin exclaimed with a glare, but he ignored him as well, keeping his gaze at Min, who nodded.

"What's your favorite color?" He grinned and a relieved sigh left my lips.

"Wha-?" Donghyuck shook his head with a sly grin on his face.

"No, I'm kidding, back to the serious question." I widened my eyes at the same time as Jaemin did and I mentally face palmed.

It was Donghyuck, what did I expect?

Min's face heated up at his next question and I buried my face in my hands, nervous about her answer.

"All of us really wants to know, who do you like? Jaemin or Mark?"


I really want to thank all of you! Thanks for voting and commenting, it makes me so happy that someone actually reads and likes my book! When I started writing, I didn't expect this much, but thank you!
I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow because of school.. But I'll try!
Thanks again~

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