|| Finally..! ||

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Min's POV:

Days passed and the exam was soon over.

"You aced it, right?" Mark gave me a hug before ruffling my hair and I shrugged. "I didn't fail." I laughed and Donghyuck sighed. "That's a surprise." After sending him a glare I raised my hand, making him flinch and laugh before giving me a hug.

"We missed you both!" He hugged Sojin as well. "But what about Jaemin?" Sojin asked making Donghyuck shrug with a smirk and Jaemin hit him.

"We.. Missed.. Eh.. You!" Chenle looked down and I grinned before ruffling his hair, making him pout and slap my hands away.
"We missed you too!" I exclaimed and sighed.

"Do you have food?" I rolled my eyes at Donghyuck, before handing him a bag.
"Of course, we always have." Sojin smiled at Jeno, who smiled back and I had to hold back a squeal.

"They're cute together." Mark wrapped his arm around me and I nodded.
"We're cuter together!" I laughed and pushed his arm off me, before sitting down.
"Did you practice a lot?" Jisung nodded quickly and placed a hand on his forehead. "We've practiced too much, seriously!" He exclaimed and I looked at Jaemin.

"I think, I'm able to dance the dance backwards!" Donghyuck exclaimed and I raised my eyebrows.

"Do it." He widened his eyes.

"What?" He asked and Mark let out a laugh before wrapping his arm around me again.
"Dance it backwards, I dare you!" I smirked and he rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to feel untalented." He smirked.

"You should feel untalented-"

"Can you stop dissing each other?" Jeno exclaimed laughing and Sojin laughed too. "Look at how close they are." Jaemin whispered to me and I noticed how Sojin almost sat on his lap.
"That's.. Close.." I whispered and he nodded.

Mark looked at me confused and I gestured towards the pair who was sitting and laughing together. "I'm gonna do something.." I stood up and walked towards them, making both of them look at me.
"I'm just gonna steal Sojin, for a second!" I grabbed her wrist before dragging her out of the practice, ignoring her complaints and whines.

I closed the door behind us and grabbed her shoulders.
"Please, ask him out, you act like a couple already!" Her face flushed and she looked down before shrugging.

"I don't think he likes m-"

"Sojin, you know I love you, but are you blind? Could you be any more obvious?" I exclaimed and grabbed her face and she let out a nervous laugh.

"But the others is in there as well an-"

"Then drag him outside like I dragged you outside!" She looked away before nodding and I sighed.
"God, finally!" I exclaimed and grabbed her wrist before opening the door.


Mark's POV:

"You should really ask her out." I saw Donghyuck elbow Jeno slightly, who's face turned red and he shook his head.

"What if she doesn't like me?" He rubbed his neck and literally all is us face palmed, even Chenle.

"Don't be that really obvious person, she likes you and you know it!" I told him and he smiled slightly.
"You're crushing so hard on her! Why don't you just ask her out already?" Jaemin shouted and Jeno glared at him.

"They're right outside!" He gestured to the door and Jaemin placed a hand over his mouth.

"God, finally!" I heard Min exclaim and the door opened, making all of us look at them. Sojin's face was red and I looked at Jeno's face which was red as well.

Min sat down beside me again and I wrapped my arm around her before Jaemin could, making him glare at me behind her back. I sent him a smirk and looked back at Sojin who hesitantly sat down beside Jeno.

The room grew quiet and we all looked at the two, who seemed to ignore each other's presence.

"Sojin! Oh, god!" I jumped slightly at Min's outburst and Sojin looked at Jeno.

"Jeno, man up!" I heard Donghyuck mumble to Jeno and he looked at Sojin as well before clearing his throat, a clear blush on his cheeks.

"Can you please look away?" Jeno rubbed his face and we all looked away.

"Why don't we just give them some alone time." Min jumped to her feet and I saw Sojin rub her face before we were on our way out the door.

"Don't do anything, I wouldn't do!" I shouted at them before closing the door and Donghyuck snickered, hitting me on the shoulder.

"Don't say something like that, if you had a crush, you wouldn't tell her!" He joked, knowing very well about my crush on Min.

"Shut up." I glared at him and he chuckled. I walked over to Min who was talking to Jaemin and wrapped my arm around her. "You don't have to do that all the time." Jaemin rolled his eyes and I smirked at him.
"What? We're just friends!" He scoffed and looked at Min.

"But for your birthday, do you want me to buy a cake or something?" He asked and I looked at Min who shrugged.

"You can do that, if you want to.."

"Wait, when's your birthday?" Jaemin let out a snicker, making me narrow my eyes at him.
"It's tomorrow." I widened my eyes and I saw Jaemin's grin widen. I looked at the boys who were trying to listen through the door and I cleared my throat.

"I think they're done talking!" Renjun said and we walked over to the door before opening it and walking in.

"So, you're together now, right?" Donghyuck sat down beside Jeno and he nodded slowly.
"Yes! Finally!" Min jumped up and Sojin's blush turned darker.

Jeno and Sojin looked at each other before quickly looking away again.

"Okay, you guys, are cute together!" I told them and Min nodded quickly before hugging Sojin.

"My best friends first boyfriend!" She looked at Jeno sternly, who fiddled with his shirt, under her stare.
"If you hurt her, I will hurt you so bad, I'll end up in hell! I will then crawl up from hell and drag you down to torture you!" Min gave him a sickly sweet smile and let go of Sojin, who looked just as horrified as Jeno.

"Jeno, don't mess with her." Jeno nodded at Jaemin before smiling at Sojin.
"I would be stupid to hurt her." I saw both Donghyuck and Min cringe and I laughed.

"Save that for when you're alone!" Jaemin said and Min nodded.
We all sat down in a circle again but I couldn't keep my eyes off Jeno and Sojin, who looked so happy being together.

Why was it so easy for him?

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