|| If Only You Knew ||

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Min's POV:

I groaned as I looked at the clock and threw the blanket off me.
It was getting too hot but at the same time I was freezing.

I looked at my phone and saw an unread message from Mark.
'I would love to come take care of you today but I'm going shopping with some of the others! Remember to rest!' I smiled at the message and I received another message but this time from Jaemin.

'Hey, Minnie! The others are going shopping like the girls they are, so can I come over?' I laughed a bit and felt excitement grow inside of me before texting him.

'Of course!' I sent it to him and felt my heart beating faster.

'I'm coming after school!' I sighed and placed my phone on the table before looking at the clock again.
I groaned and laid back down on my bed.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes I took my phone and began looking through my photos.
A smile crept onto my face as I scrolled through the many photos of me and Jaemin until I saw one of Mark making me stop scrolling.

"It was taken yesterday.." I laughed a bit as I looked at the boy on my screen and I began scrolling again.

Time flew and while I was looking through the last couple of pictures I heard someone open the front door. Excitement grew in my body once again and I smiled when the boy entered my room.

"Hey, Minnie. How are you feeling?" Jaemin smiled slightly and sat down in my chair.
I gave him a weak a smile and shrugged as best as I could while lying down.
"You aren't dying?" He joked and I let out a laugh which hurt my throat a little.

"Sojin really wanted to come take care of you as well, but you know how busy she is.." He scratched his neck and I shook my head with a smile.
"I'm happy that you're here." I told him honestly and I saw his cheeks turn slightly pink and he chuckled.

"What have you been doing all day? Isn't it boring being sick?" His question made me groan and he grinned at me teasingly.
"After you texted me, I looked through all my photos.." I said and his jaw dropped a bit.

"I texted you a long time ago, how many photos do you have?" He looked quite shocked and I couldn't help but laugh. "I have too many, I have a lot of us.." I said before coughing a bit making him pout.
"You should sleep a bit, Minnie.." He walked over to me and stroked my cheek slightly before placing his hand on my forehead and now it was my turn to pout.

"You're here, I don't want to sleep!" He rolled his eyes with a smile and shook his head. "I'll be here when you wake up!" He sat down in the chair again and I let out a sigh before closing my eyes.
"Sleep tight, Minnie.." I heard right before I fell asleep.


Jaemin's POV:

I looked at Min as she sighed and she closed her eyes making me smile slightly.
"Sleep tight, Minnie.." I mumbled as she started to drift off and I let out a sigh before looking around her room.

"What am I going to do, Minnie?" I mumbled, not like she would be able to answer since she was asleep and I began spinning around in her chair.
"If Mark likes you I don't know what to do, I don't want competition.." I rubbed my face before looking at Min who let out a little snore and I grinned.

"Oh god, you're so cute.." I mumbled to myself and crossed my arms.
While leaning back in her chair I kept my gaze on her, not because I'm a creep, but because she was too cute.

"If only you knew, how long I've had this crush on you. If only you knew.." I sighed once again and took one of the books off the shelf.

"Might as well do something while she's asleep." I mumbled opening the book and my eyes started scanning the words.


"Oh, you're actually reading?" I heard a slightly hoarse voice said and I looked up from the book while grinning.

"Are you feeling better?" She shrugged and sat up patting the seat beside her making me roll my eyes before walking over to her.
"I had this really weird dream!" She laughed a bit which sounded hoarse and I nodded.

"I think you were confessing to me or something.. And you called me cute.." She took a strand of her hair behind her ear and I felt my face heat up.

"What a weird dream!" I laughed nervously and she nodded before hugging my arm. "I don't want to be sick anymore.." She whined and I ran a hand through her messy hair.
"I don't want you to be sick anymore either.."


Mark's POV:

"Why are you looking at clothes for girls?" Donghyuck laughed and I jumped slightly before glaring at him.
"Don't scare me like that!" I looked back at all the different shirts.

"Look at all these different shirts! It must be a nightmare to buy clothes as a girl." I mumbled and Donghtuck hit me on the shoulder making me turn to him.
"Yeah, it would be such a nightmare! That's why you should be happy you were born as a guy and you shouldn't be looking at clothes like this!" He exclaimed before dragging me by the arm back to Jeno.

"Where were you?" Jeno asked and I laughed a bit.
"He was looking at girls clothes!" Donghyuck said and Jeno raised his eyebrows making me look away.
"Let's get going!" I exclaimed and started walking not wanting to talk more about it.

While we were walking home I decided to text Min and I took my phone out from my pocket.
'How are you feeling?' It didn't take long for her to answer.

'I'm okay, Jaemin took care of me today!' My smile faded a bit and Jeno seemed to notice. "You okay?" I nodded at his question and turned my attention back to my phone.

'Did he take good care of you?' I sighed and looked at Jeno and Donghyuck who were walking in front of me.

'Yeah, he did!' I felt jealousy grow inside of me and my heart began pounding.

'That's good! I hope you get well soon and I miss you!' I placed my phone in my pocket again and ran up to the guys.

My phone vibrated and I quickly looked at it making the boys look at me.
'Awe, you miss me? I don't believe you! But I miss you..' I felt my heart beating faster and I sighed.

"If only you knew.." I mumbled and Donghyuck pushed me slightly with his shoulder.
"What's up with you?" He asked making me shake my head with a grin. "Nothing!" He nodded slowly before continuing his talk about who knows what and I let out a silent sigh.

If only you knew..

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