|| Did They Meet? ||

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Min's POV:

"What movie are you gonna watch?" Jaemin asked on our way home from school. "You know, that new one.. Yeah.." I tried to explain. "Ghostbusters? Suicide Squad?" He laughed and I shrugged. "One of those popular movies that everyone wants to see!" Jaemin nodded and we began walking in different directions.
"See you tomorrow!" I waved at Jaemin before making my way home.

When I arrived home I quickly changed from my uniform to something more comfortable and I started searching for money. I found an okay amount and I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water before leaving.

"So, is it Mark or Jaemin?" My mom asked while I was drinking. "Mark and one of his friends." I told her as I finished drinking and I placed the glass in the sink.

"I'll see you later!" I waved at her and hurried out the door.

'We're waiting for you! Are you on your way?' I texted him back as soon as I got the message.

'I'm almost there!' I walked a little faster and it didn't take longer than three minutes before I arrived. I couldn't find them outside so I figured that they were inside.
I walked inside but I couldn't find them there either.

"Oh, Min!" I heard a voice and I turned around to see Mark walking towards me with a guy right behind him.
"Hey, Mark!" I gave him a smile and looked at the boy beside him.

"Hello! My name is Min! Nice to meet you!" I bowed at him and he sent me a cute grin before bowing as well. "Hello! I'm Chenle!" He was really cute and his accent made him even cuter.

"I hope it's okay that I brought him along! He really wanted to see this movie and since his Korean is a little lacking, I thought it would be a good idea to bring him along!" Mark scratched his neck and poor Chenle just looked confused.
"Ah, I don't mind! He's actually quite cute!" I told him and Chenle giggled. "Thank you!" He said and I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.

"But wait, isn't this movie in English?" I asked which made Mark nod. "But there's subtitles!" He shrugged. "Now let's buy our tickets!" He said and dragged both me and Chenle with him.

Mark asked for the tickets and I started searching for my money when he stopped me. "Let me pay for you!" He grinned and I pouted. "I can pay for myself, you know?" He didn't really seem to care since he paid for all three of us.
"I could've paid for myself.." I mumbled and he grinned.
"I have my pride!" He said and found a bag of popcorn.

"What do you want?" Chenle asked and I shrugged. "I'll just get some water.." I said looking for a bottle.
"Aha, you're getting something to eat as well.. If you don't, I will feed you, if I have to!" Mark said giving me a water bottle and I rolled my eyes. I found some candy and decided that, that was the best thing I could find.

"It wasn't that hard, was it?" Mark smirked crossing his arms and I walked right by him to pay. "Shut up!" I laughed and paid. I was waiting for the other two when I felt my phone vibrate.

It was from Jaemin.

'Have fun, Minnie! And remember to eat!' "Who is it?" Mark asked as I began writing a reply to him.

'Haha, I will!' I looked up at Mark and Chenle.

"Just a friend!" I told him which made Mark nod and we made our way to our seats. "You can sit.." Chenle said and pointed at the middle seat and I nodded with a small laugh. "In the middle!" I said and he nodded looking slightly embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, Chenle!" Mark ruffled his hair before sitting down in his seat.

Me and Chenle both sat down in our seat and the trailers began. "Why do they show us all these trailers?" Mark asked and I snickered. "To annoy all of us!" My comment made both boys chuckle and we grew quite again.

"And it's finally starting!" Mark mumbled when the trailers were over  and I had to control my laughter since the movie was starting.


"Well, it was a good movie!" I said and Mark nodded as we were walking out of the cinema. "Did you like the movie, Chenle?" I asked and he nodded his head cutely. "I didn't understand.. That much." He shrugged. "Well, we should probably get back to practice.." Mark said and I looked at him shocked. "Wait, you guys practice together? I'm still not over that you're a trainee.. But how did you get to see the movie if you have practice?" I kept on asking questions and they laughed.

"We kinda snuck out-" "What?" I asked them shocked which made Chenle laugh harder and I have to be honest, it was a really cute sight.
"Don't worry! We got some of the other trainees to cover up for us, since we both really wanted to see the movie." He explained and I hit his shoulder. "You guys need to be careful!" I told him and he nodded. "We will! And that's why we'll have to go now!" He chuckled and I nodded. "I'll text you!" Mark waved and walked off with Chenle who waved as well.


Jaemin's POV:

"Shouldn't they be back soon?" Jisung asked and I shrugged. "They should.. I wonder if Min's home.." I mumbled the last part but Donghyuck still managed to hear it. "Wait, what if they met each other? Wasn't Min going to watch the same movie as them?" He asked and I nodded. "But I don't think so.. Min isn't that interested in boys.." I told him and Jeno laughed.
"Then how are you friends? Are you secretly a girl?" He asked making the others laugh and I threw a water bottle at him only making him laugh harder.
"You're so weird!" I laughed just as the door was opened.

"We're back! Thanks for helping us out!" Mark said and walked into the room with Chenle behind him who immediately ran over to Renjun and began talking in Chinese.
"Did Chenle learn anything from the movie?" I asked. "I think so!" Mark answered which made me nod.

"Wait, Jaemin? Your friend's name is Min, right?" Renjun asked and I looked at him weirdly and gave him a nod.
"Why are you asking?" I asked curiously and Renjun looked at Chenle before looking back at me.

"Nothing! It doesn't matter!" He said and I nodded slowly. "Okay.."

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