|| Spinning And Complications ||

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Min's POV:

"Are you sure I won't be a bother? I've visited you a lot.." I mumbled, slightly worried that the others would be annoyed by seeing me almost everyday.

"Don't worry, the guys like you!" Jaemin laughed making me shrug. "And Jeno might have a slight crush on Sojin.." He whispered to me making me giggle. "But she couldn't make it today.." I said and he shrugged before opening the door to the practice room.

"Min!" Mark shouted and I saw a Donghyuck role his eyes.
"You're here again!" I stuck my tongue out at Donghyuck who copied my actions.
"What are you? Five?" Jisung asked and Donghyuck crossed his arms.
"She started it!" He exclaimed and Jeno chuckled. "Let's start practicing!"


I clapped as they finished dancing and Jaemin grinned at me.

"You wanna learn?" Mark asked and pointed at the hoverboard which made Jaemin roll his eyes. "No, she doesn't.." He said and Mark crossed his arms.

"Why are you answering instead of her? Can't she answer herself?" Jaemin scoffed and the other boys looked at them awkwardly. "I'll go get some more water.." Donghyuck mumbled and the other four followed him out of the room.

"Well, I promised her to teach her, so you can't teach her!" Jaemin said and Mark rolled his eyes.
"And it's not like you're that good at it either!" Mark scoffed and sat down while Jaemin turned to me.

"Come on, I'll teach you!" He smiled at me and I laughed nervously. "Is it a good idea? I won't die, right?" I asked making Mark laugh slightly and Jaemin shook his head just as the others came into the room.

"Oh, are you going to teach her how to ride a hoverboard, Jaemin?" Jisung asked making him nod and Donghyuck snickered.
"Don't say anything." Mark warned him and Donghyuck closed his mouth before sitting down beside him.

"Jaemin is really good!" Renjun said and I shrugged. "But I'm not.."
"Let's show her, Jeno!" Jaemin said and the boy walked over to him. They placed their hands on the hoverboards and I looked at Chenle confused.
"What are they doing?" The boy laughed and pointed at them. I looked back at them as they lifted themselves up.
My eyes widened as they were standing on their hands and I realized how untalented I was.

"Wow, no need to brag.." Mark crossed his arms just as the boys stood up again.
"Come on, Min!" Jaemin ignored Mark and Jeno poked my shoulder.

"Where's Sojin?" He asked looking down and I giggled.
"She couldn't make it today.." I told him making him nod with a small smile and I walked over to Jaemin.

"Don't laugh at me when I fail!" I told the boys and Donghyuck smirked.
"Can't promise anything.." He said earning a hit from Mark. "Thank you, idiot!" I grinned and he sent me a wink.
"You're very welcome, nerd."

"Minnie.. Step on it!" Jaemin laughed and I placed one foot on the hoverboard before squealing. "I'm scared!" I whined making Donghyuck laugh. "I need to film this.." He found his phone making me glare at him and Mark took the phone from his hands.

With a sigh I placed my other foot on the board and I squealed again. "I'm gonna fall.. Then I'll die and I will never be able to get married or have kids!" I exclaimed which made the boys laugh.

"Don't you dare laugh at me! If I die, I'll crawl up from hell and drag all of you down with me!" I told them as I tried to keep my balance.
"Jaemin, I swear, if I fall you're dead!" I mumbled still trying to keep my balance.
I felt his arms wrap around my waist and it helped me with my balance. He let go when I had retained my balance and I could now stand. Kind of.

"Try to move towards me!" Jaemin walked up in front of me and I tried to move but, I, for some reason couldn't.
"Why can't I move?" My question made the boys laugh and I glared at them but it didn't stop them from laughing.
"Lean forward!" Jaemin said which I did and I started moving very slowly towards Jaemin. I couldn't hold back my laughter since it was going so slow and Jaemin began laughing as well.
"She's worse than you, Mark!" Mark hit Donghyuck again who pouted.

"Yay!" I cheered when I had reached Jaemin who just laughed.
"Don't laugh at me! You should be proud!" I told him and he nodded still snickering a bit. "How do I turn this thing?" I asked and tried moving my hips which didn't help at all.

"Oh, wait, I think I did it!" I exclaimed as I began spinning around but there was a problem. I couldn't stop and just kept on spinning.
"Why do I keep on spinning?" The boys began laughing again as I whined and I tried shifting my weight to the other foot which only resulted in me spinning the other way around.

"Should we help her?" Jisung laughed and I think I could see Donghyuck shake his head. "Yes, please!" I said as I was slowly beginning to feel dizzy.
"Nah, she deserves it." I heard Donghyuck say before laughing again. "Donghyuck.. I will end you!" I said and Jaemin came over to help me off the hoverboard. I felt dizzy and almost fell if Jaemin wasn't there.

"Are you okay?" Chenle asked and I nodded before sitting down. "I think I'll stick to watching you guys do it!" I laughed and tried to stop my head from spinning.
"That's a good idea.."


"I'll walk you home!" Mark jumped up and before Jaemin could protest we were already walking out.
"I'm sorry I laughed at you.." He pouted a bit and I laughed before pinching his cheek. "It's okay, you hit Donghyuck for me!" He laughed and wrapped his arm around me.

"It's actually pretty cold." I shivered and Mark looked at me apologetic. "If I had taken my jacket with me, I would've given it to you.." He said and I laughed before shaking my head.
"I think I'll survive, as long as I don't get sick!" I told him and he grinned. "If you get sick, I'll take care of you!" I looked down as I felt my cheeks heat up making him chuckle.

Not long after, we reached my house and Mark gave me a hug.
"I hope I'll see you tomorrow, nerd!" He ruffled my hair and before I could do it to him, he was already walking away.
"See you, idiot!" I shouted and closed the door. I leaned against the door and a sigh escaped my lips.

Why is love so complicated?

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