|| Fast Heartbeats ||

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Min's POV:

I heard the bell ring and I quickly packed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. "It annoys me how you're still ignoring him!" Sojin said and I sighed.

"It's just.. It's too awkward for me to apologize!" I told her and she hit me. "Stop being so stubborn!" She told me and I pouted. I placed my books in my locker and turned to her when she began talking again.

"I think he's planning to apologize!" I rolled my eyes and leaned against my locker.
"As long as he doesn't come with a parade or something.. That would be embarrassing!" I told her and she laughed. "That's cute!" She said and I shook my head.
"That's not cute! What are you talking about?" I laughed making her laugh as well.
"Just imagin-" I didn't finish my sentence because Jaemin started walking towards us.

"Oh, I think I'll go to the toilet really quickly!" Sojin said and before I could grab her wrist, she walked away just as Jaemin reached me.

"Hey, Min.." He scratched his head with a hand behind his back and I waved.
"Hi.." I looked away feeling slightly awkward and he coughed, grabbing my attention.

"I just wanna say.. I'm sorry.." He looked down and I played with my hands. "You should know that I get jealous easily and knowing that you were hanging out with another guy a lot more than you were hanging out with me, got me mad. I know you wouldn't replace me since we've been best friends for so long and I know that you're allowed to have other friends.." He began ranting and I smiled slightly before stopping him.

"I get it, you're sorry." He nodded and silence took over.
"Oh! I made this.. Or tried to.." He handed me a small white box and smiled at me.
I opened it to see a cupcake and I giggled slightly. "It's cute.." I said and looked at him.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry as well. You know that I'm a little stubborn and I got a bit defensive when you though I was replacing you! I'm still a bit mad that you thought I would replace you though.." He laughed awkwardly and I grinned. "It took me a lot of time to make that.. And a lot of help from the other members.." I laughed a bit and he opened his arms.
"Can I have a hug? Then I'll know that you really forgive me!" He said and I rolled my eyes before hugging him.

"So, are you guys friends again?" I heard Sojin's voice and broke away from the hug.
"Nope, I hugged him out of disgust!" She rolled her eyes but smiled anyways. "Let's go home!" Both me and Jaemin nodded at her sentence.
"I missed my best friends!" Sojin wrapped an arm around both of us and I laughed. "It was literally only a day!" Jaemin said and she shrugged.
"Still.." Jaemin rolled his eyes and looked at both of us.

"Do you guys want to come see us practice?" He asked making Sojin nod really quickly.
"Of course!" I pinched his nose and he laughed. "It's nice having you back!" He pinched my nose as well and Sojin coughed.
"Can you please not flirt while I'm here?" Jaemin snickered and pinched her nose.
"Am I flirting with you?" He asked her and she shook her head before hitting him on the shoulder.

"So, practice?" I asked and Jaemin nodded leading us the way.


"I'm here!" Jaemin shouted and walked into the practice room. Me and Sojin came in right after and all the boys stared at her. "It's not nice to stare!" I said and they all looked away but Jeno.

"Can you introduce her to us?" He asked and I nodded with a small smirk before introducing her.
"Let's introduce ourselves!" Mark said and they all stood up before introducing themselves. "That's your lover boy!" I whispered to her when Jeno introduced himself and she hit me.

"Here they are! My members!" Jaemin said and by now we were all sitting down. Sojin nodded with a smile and looked at them. "It's nice to meet you!" She said and Jeno smiled at her.
"It's nice to meet you too!" He said and I looked at Jaemin and Mark. Mark was sitting to my right and Jaemin was sitting to my left. "Are you guys okay again?" I asked them and they both nodded.
"We talked everything through yesterday when we were helping him bake cupcakes!" Mark said and I laughed looking at Jaemin who smiled sheepishly.

"We actually didn't want to talk to each other but we were locked in the same room.." Jaemin glared at Donghyuck who shrugged.

"You know, he was really depressed yesterday when we were trying to find a way for him to apologize! It was like his world had ended!" Donghyuck said and I laughed before looking at Jaemin who's face had gotten red.

"If only I were here to see it!" Mark leaned against the wall and Jaemin glared at him.
"Let's not talk about me anymore! Let's talk about Sojin!" Jaemin exclaimed and Sojin pointed at herself.
"Me? I'm not interesting!" She said and I shook my head.

"Liar, she's a funny person!" I said and she shrugged. "Me and Min's personalities are pretty similar, I'm just a little nicer!" She said and I glared at her.
"You sat her on fire once!" Jaemin looked at Sojin and who just shrugged.

"What?" Jisung looked at us with wide eyes and she laughed.
"It was an accident, I swear! We were doing this weird thing in science and I sat the wrong thing on fire." She laughed making us laugh with her.

"Fun times.." I sighed with a grin and Sojin nodded.
"What time is it? We have to be home before dinner!" Chenle looked at his watch before showing it to me and I stood up.
"We need to get home, Sojin!" I told her making her nod and stand up.

After exchanging goodbyes and numbers we began walking home.

"They were nice." She laughed and I nodded. "They are really fun to be around!" I told her as we reached my house.
We walked into my room and began talking about girl stuff when she excused herself to go to the toilet.
I placed my hand over my heart to feel it beating in a normal pace and I laid down.

Why was my heart beating so fast when I was with the guys?

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