|| Let's Bet (Winner 2) ||

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Congratulations to the second winner shinshiye who was picked randomly by my sister!
I'm really tired, it's been a really long day, but I promised you guys this, so let's do this! I don't know if this was what you were hoping for, but I tried my best!~

Member: Chenle
Name: Han Miya
Genre: Romance-Comedy
Word(s): Fighting, top students and love
Words:  1171

Miya's POV:

"I think Miya will get the highest score on this test." I heard someone behind me whisper as a smirk appeared on my face.

"No, I think Chenle will get the highest." I heard another person reply, which made my smirk turn into a frown and I looked towards Chenle, who was already looking at me with a smirk.

"I'm smarter than you, so don't expect that you'll get the highest score." The smirk on Chenle's face never disappeared, which made me roll my eyes and turn to the teacher as she placed the paper on my table.

"One mistake?" I couldn't help but smile proudly at the work I had done and I heard a snicker from Chenle.

"One mistake? How sad.." After he had said that, I scoffed and looked at the paper on his desk, before rolling my eyes.

"I told you, that I was smarter than you." He shrugged smugly, which made me frown, before shaking my head.
"At least, I didn't fail my math test." This time it was his turn to roll his eyes, before glaring at me.

"I didn't fail the test, I made two mistakes!"

"Awe, two? And what was my score?" I leaned my ear closer to him, making him glare at me and push my head away.
"I got a better score on our Korean test and you've been in Korea longer than me!"

"Miya! Chenle!" Both of our heads snapped towards the teacher, who stood in front of the whole class with crossed arms.

"Care to explain, why you guys are arguing?" With a scoff, I shook my head and Chenle copied my actions, making me glare at him.
"They're arguing about who's the smartest, as always." My friend exclaimed, making my teacher sigh.

"I don't want to be a part of your drama. Just stop arguing in the middle of class." This made Chenle sigh and apologize. "Good, now let's continue this lesson, shall we?" My teacher turned her back to us as Chenle cleared his throat.

"I'm still smarter than you." He gave me one last smirk, before turning towards the teacher once again and I had to hold myself back from strangling him.


"I don't get it!" My best friend exclaimed as we sat by our usual table at lunch and I shrugged.

"He annoys me and I annoy him back, that's just how it is." I looked towards Chenle, sitting with his friends, before turning back to her.

"What are you going to do, if he confesses? Like, I think I heard Renjun say, that he likes you!" I let out a loud laugh, making other students turn their heads, including Chenle, who rolled his eyes.

"Miya, you like him as well! Why are you so competitive? If you weren't, you would have a really cute boyfriend, right now!" She nudged my shoulder as I pushed her away a bit and I glanced at Chenle.

"I'm gonna show him, that I'm smarter than him.. We have an English test later, right?" A smirk appeared on my face as I saw her nod.

"Do you have any plans of confessing to him?"

"Oh, of course!" I exclaimed loudly, grabbing people's attention once again and she widened her eyes.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I'll confess as soon as cows learn how to fly." I patted her cheek as she quickly hit me.

"He's walking this way!"

"Who?" I exclaimed, making someone snicker behind me and I turned around to come face to face with Chenle.

"Me." He smirked as he crossed his arms.

"And now I have to get my eyes checked." I looked away from him and he sat down in front of me.

"Are you ready for me to top this English test?" A laugh escaped me, which made him roll his eyes.

"What about you bet on something?" I looked at my best friend, who had a smug smile on her face.

"What do you mea-?"

"Wouldn't it be funnier, if there was something, you could win?" I kicked her shin under the table, knowing what she was trying to do as she let out a groan.

"Why don't we?" Chenle rested his head in his hands and I crossed my arms.
"Fine, if I can prove to everyone, that I'm smarter than you, then I'm in." I heard my friend let out a quiet cheer as Chenle nodded, before standing up.

"Good." He was about to walk away, when I stopped him.

"What are we betting about?" With a shrug, he started walking again and I scoffed, before turning back to my friend, who looked satisfied.

"Why are you looking so satisfied?" With a shrug, she looked towards the table where the guys were sitting.

"I'm just happy that my ship is sailing.."


"You will be able to see your scores in about a minute." Our teacher told us as I looked at the computer screen impatiently, until I heard someone clear their throat, which was Chenle, surprisingly.

"You ready to see my perfect score?" While shrugging my shoulders, I rested my head in the palm of my hand.
"Perfect? Aha, joke of the day." I looked back at the screen and I saw the score.

I smiled at the almost perfect score and I looked at Chenle, who seemed pretty satisfied about his score as well. He turned around to face me, but before he could say anything, the bell rang and I let out a sigh, before packing my things.

I thought everyone had left the room, until I turned around to see Chenle leaning against the table with crossed arms.


"What was your score?" I swung the bag over my shoulder.

"One mistake."

"That's sad. I had no mistakes at all." He pouted slightly, before a grin appeared on his face.
"So since you got a better score than me, what do you want?" A slightly annoyed sigh left my lips as I leaned against the table.

"A date." To say that I was shocked, was an understatement.

"A.. Date?" He nodded, before standing up straight.

"Han Miya, I like you. You might be annoying at times and I know that I'm smarter than you, but I like you." While raising my eyebrows, I slowly nodded.

"I guess, since you got a higher score, I have to go on the date with you." The grin on his face widened and he grabbed my hand.

"Good, then lets go. I need to thank your friend." He mumbled the last part as I smiled, even though I was slightly annoyed, he got a higher score than me.

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