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Min's POV:

   "Are you mad?" Shaking my head, I mumbled a quiet 'no', like I had done the other eight times he had asked, and he sighed out in relief.

   "Good, because I hate it when you're mad at me!" An arm was thrown around my shoulder, to which I immediately responded to by leaning closer to him.

   "I can never be mad at you for that long. You're my best friend." That wiped just a tiny bit of his smile away.

   "I'll see you tomorrow, Minnie!" After a short hug and a ruffle through my hair, he had turned around, heading towards the SM building.

   Pouting slightly, not wanting to go home already, I kept my head down starting to walk anyways until I collided with something, making me fall.

   "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" The voice squeaked out holding out his hand which I grabbed trying not to admire his handsome features too much.

   "It's okay, no worries." Smiling at the boy, I noticed his teeth bite down on his lip, before his hands dug into his pockets.

   "Are you okay, you're not hurt, are you?" It was rather amusing to see a stranger like him getting so worried about something as simple as me falling.

   "Really, I'm fine!" A small laugh left me, showing him I was okay, and he finally sighed out, a small laugh leaving him as well.

   "My name is Mark!" His smile was bright as he introduced himself, bowing down politely, and I copied his actions, bending my waist to bow.

   "I'm Min."

   "Do you want to join me at this cafe down the street? It's my apology for bumping into you and making you fall. I mean, if you don't want to, it's fine." All the words left him in a hurry as he had started rambling, and I had to bite back a small grin at his cuteness as he looked so flustered.

   "Sure, I'll join you, you seem like a nice guy." Nodding, he grinned a bit, a small giggle leaving him probably out of embarrassment as his cheeks were bright red.

   "Okay then, follow me!" With that he headed down the road, a road I wasn't really familiar with, but still I followed.

   "So, what do you like to do?" The question was kind of sudden as the two of us had been walking in silence and I gave him an odd look.

   "I'm just trying to start a conversation." He explained.

   "Eh, read, I guess." Nodding, I answered the question he asked just moments ago, and his eyebrows raised a bit, his lips curling up slightly.

   "So you don't like to have fun?" A teasing grin had appeared on his face, showing he was only joking around, and I rolled my eyes at him.

   "Hey, reading is fun!" At that he raised his hands.

   "Judging by your uniform, we don't go to the same school." My eyes moved to his uniform to see that it was in fact a different one , which explained why I hadn't met him before.


   "Do you do anything else, you know, besides rapping?" Bringing the mug to my lips, I let the sweet flavor of chocolate explode in my mouth, and he leaned back into his seat.

   "Dancing is okay too." His shoulders moved up into a shrug like it was nothing and I huffed, placing the mug back on the table.

   "You could be a celebrity." Eyes squinting, I grinned at the boy, who sent a grin back, once again shrugging.


   "Do you have any talents?" The question left him right after answering my statement, to which he earned a snort from me.

   "If sleeping counts as a talent, then yes." My sentence made him roll his eyes.

   "So you don't sing?"

   "I sound like a dying bear."


   "Too many words, can't keep up."


   "I love the thought of being able to dance but I'm as stiff as a board." After those words had left me, I crossed my arms over my chest raising my eyebrows in his direction as it was his turn to huff.

   Silence took over the two of us as I, with my finger, traced the mug, my eyes looking at anything but him, the awkward side of me taking over.

   "I'm sorry that I'm so awkward! I'm just socially awkward.." Finally left me, only earning a chuckle from the boy sitting in front of me, and his next words made me giggle a bit;

   "Well, I'm not the most sociable person in the world either, so we're kind of even."


   "Jaemin finally had time to hang out?" Confusion broke out on her face as I shook my head, taking a sip of her coffee, she waited for me to explain, and I sent her a grin.

   "I hung out with this guy, Mark!" At that she raised her eyebrows, a typical mom line leaving her right after;

   "Min.. Do you have a boyfriend?" My head started moving from side to side frantically, only making her raise her eyebrows, a small smirk forming on her lips as well.

   "But was he good looking?" Her question made blood rush to my face and I looked away, not wanting her to think I liked him or something.

   "Oh, so he was good looking? Your ears are turning red!" I felt a small nudge in the side as I took a few steps back, sending her a glare, and I turned around on my heels.

   Ignoring her teasing, I headed towards my room with Mark on my mind

   He reminded me a little bit of Jaemin; he liked to laugh and seemed like a really happy person in general.

   Feeling my phone vibrate, I looked at it to see a message from an unfamiliar number and I immediately knew it was Mark as I read it.

   'This is Min, right?'

'Yeah, what's up, Mark?'

After pressing send it only took a few seconds for him to answer.

   'How did you know it was me? Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tomorrow? Like after school?'

Chuckling, I felt a happy feeling inside of me at the thought of spending another day with him, and I quickly wrote back;

'I don't give my number to every guy I see. And yeah, I would love to hang out with you!'

   'Oh, that makes me feel special! I'll see you tomorrow then? At the cafe?'

'I can't wait!'


Jaemin's POV:

   "This is the new trainee I told you about. He's going to be training with you guys from now on, take care of him, he's older than you." After out dance instructor had left the practice room to let us enjoy our break, the guy bowed, my eyes squinted as I tried to identify if I knew I'm or not.

   "Have you seen him before?" Jisung nodded at my question, moving a bit closer to me to answer without any of the others hearing it.

   "We attend the same school! He's three years older than me!" The youngest explained to me making me nod and the trainee made his way towards us before introducing himself.

   "I'm Mark!"

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