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Min's POV:

"It's called Chewing Gum?" I raised my eyebrows at the seven guys who nodded and I looked at Sojim who shrugged.

Me and Sojin were at the moment sitting in the boys practice room.
"Shh, just watch it!" Jaemin said and I pressed play.

"Awe, Mark you look cute!" I grinned but kept my eyes on the screen. "Is that you Jeno?" Sojin asked when Jeno appeared on the screen and he nodded with a small smile.
"You're cute, Chenle." I smiled at the boy making him grin. "You're all so cute!" I let out a small squeal making Jaemin laugh and an arm wrapped around my shoulder.
I looked to see who it was and much to my surprise - it was Mark. Jaemin didn't look very happy about it though and I looked back on the screen just as the chirps ended and Jaemin appeared making me squeal again.
"You're so cute!" I slapped his leg and he laughed.
"Noo!" I whined when he disappeared and Jisung appeared.
"You're also cute!" I told the boy who's cheeks turned red.

After the chorus Mark appeared again and began rapping.
"I like this part a lot!" I told him honestly and he giggled. "It's no big deal!" I looked at him as he shrugged and I looked at Jaemin who rolled his eyes. "I liked your part as well!" I pinched Jaemin's cheek and a grin spread across his face.

"Which part did you like the most?" Donghyuck asked me with a smirk just as the video ended earning a hit from Jeno.
"I liked Jeno's the most!" Sojin mumbled and I smirked.
"Doesn't surprise me." I told her making her glare at me.

"Then what about you Min? Which part did you like the most?" Donghyuck asked and Jeno hit him again before giving him a look.
I looked at Jaemin and then at Mark before answering.
"Renjun." Jaemin whined at my answer and I ruffled his hair. "His part was the cutest!" I said honestly and Jaemin grinned.
"Cute? I can be cute as well!" He said before striking a pose and Mark pushed him away. "That's not cute!" Jeno laughed making Jaemin pout.
"I'm cute! Tell me I'm cute, Min!" He looked at me making me rub my chin. "You're cute, but Mark is cuter!" I joked making him pout while Mark sat with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Do you want to learn the dance?" Mark smiled at me and I quickly shook my head. "No, I like my life and I don't want to die, trying to ride one of those!" I pointed at one of the hoverboards and Jaemin shook his head.
"We won't make you ride that.. Yet." He mumbled the last part to me and grinned before standing up.

"Come on, Sojin! Let me teach you how to dance the chorus!" Jeno helped her stand up but she looked quite nervous. "I don't really dance.." She scratched her head and Jeno smiled. "It's okay! I'll teach you!" He said making her smile and I stood up.
"Yay, I'm gonna see you dance, Minnie!" Jaemin cheered and I flicked his arm before smiling.

"Okay, let's begin!" Mark clasped his hands together and I let out a sigh.
"Here we go.."


"Okay, you got it!" Jaemin clapped and I cheered. "Finally!" I laughed and Mark wrapped an arm around me. "You're sweating.." I tried to push him away but he only held me tighter. "So are you, nerd!" He laughed and I got him off me.

"Now, let's see you dance!" Jeno gestured towards me and Sojin and we both widened our eyes.

"Alone? In front of you guys?" Sojin asked making Jisung nod. "We want to see how well you do!" I looked at Sojin just as the song started. "I can't dance!" I shouted over the music making Mark roll his eyes.
"Just the chorus!" Donghyuck shouted and I crossed my arms. "We didn't learn anything else!" I told him making him roll his eyes and the chorus started. I widened my eyes again when I saw Sojin dance and I started as well.

I heard Jaemin cheer when the chorus ended and I hid behind Sojin. "Kill me now.." She mumbled and tried to hide as well. "Kill me first!" I mumbled back as the guys began clapping.

"You did really good! Why were you so nervous?" Jaemin walked over to me and I punched him slightly.
"Because I can't dance!" I groaned and Mark laughed. "You could be famous!" I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against Jaemin's shoulder.
"If you say so.." I mumbled as we all sat down again and I leaned my head against Mark's shoulder this time.

"Sojin, you did really good too!" Jisung said and she thanked him with a smile.
"When do you girls have to be home?" Donghyuck asked and I shrugged. "Before dinner I think.." I sighed and looked at Jaemin who was already looking at me. "You should eat with us!" Mark said and I sat up straight before shaking my head and so did Sojin.
"We don't want to be a bother!" She exclaimed and I nodded agreeing with her.

"It'll be more of a bother if you leave and we'll have to listen to them talking about you!" Donghyuck rolled his eyes and I crossed my arms before looking at Mark and Jaemin who both looked away with a slight blush on their cheeks.
"He's right! Just eat with us!" Renjun grinned showing his crooked teeth and I could've died right there.

"I'll just text my mom.." Sojin found her phone making the boys cheer and Jaemin poked my shoulder.
"Eat with us!" I rolled my eyes and found my phone. "You've rolled your eyes too many times today!" Jaemin pinched my cheek and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes again. I slapped his hand away as I sent my mom a message and I looked up at the boys again.

"Was it fun to film?" Sojin asked and the boys looked at her confused.
"The music video?" I face palmed with a laugh and Sojin nodded.
"It was.. Really.. Fun!" Chenle exclaimed with a bright smile and the other boys agreed with him.

"We should probably order some food if we want to eat today!" Jeno stood up making Jisung stand up as well. "We'll just order pizza or something." They walked out of the room and I looked at Jaemin who instantly knew what I was going to ask.
"My diet isn't that important, I am skinny after all!" He grinned making me nod and I looked at Mark.

"How is it to be the oldest?" I teased him and he thought for awhile before shrugging. "You know, it's fine, I'm just not that used to taking care of people!" Donghyuck laughed and wiped an imaginary tear away.
"We take care of you more than you take care of us!" Mark grabbed the water bottle I had just grabbed which made Donghyuck flinch. He gave me the bottle back and I took a sip of the water before giving it back to Jaemin who also drank a bit.

"Ew, how can you drink from the same bottle?" Donghyuck asked which made Jaemin roll his eyes.
"Because we've been best friend for about five years!" I crossed my arms and he raised his hands.
"Sorry, I forgot that!" He rolled his eyes and I threw Mark's cap at him.

"You guys just love to throw things at me, don't you?" He asked offended and I nodded.
"It's quite amusing!" I laughed and he mumbled something under his breath. The two guys came back after ordering the pizza and I leaned a little closer to Jaemin.

"I'm so proud of you." I whispered to him and his smile widened so much making me smile and he wrapped his arm around me.
"Thank you, Minnie.. Thank you for supporting me.."

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