|| Her Choice ||

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Jaemin's POV:

"You may have loved her first, but do you love her the most?"
I looked away as the words left Mark's mouth.

"Of course I do.." I mumbled and he let out a snicker which made me clench my fist before looking at him.
"You really love her the most? How many times have I snuck out to be with her and how many times have you done it?" I looked at him and crossed my arms.

"You can't love her, you've only known her for about a month." He rolled his eyes and leaned against the mirror.
"You can't control my feelings, I can't even control my feelings!" I scoffed.
"My love is clearly bigger than yours because I-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he decided to interrupt me.

"You've known her for five years, I know, you've told me! But have you shown her your love for her?" He raised his voice slightly and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I've shown my love for her!" I looked away and clenched my jaw slightly before looking back at him.
"Really? It doesn't seem like it!" I groaned and ran my hands through my hair making his lips curl up a bit.

"It doesn't seem like you love her either." I mumbled and he sighed making me look at him.
He looked a bit calmer now but I was still mad.

"What about this, we let her choose the one she likes the most!" I crossed my arms before biting my tongue slightly and I nodded.
"That's fine by me, because I know that she'll choose me." He glared at me.

I found my phone and he raised his eyebrows at me.
"What are you doing?" He asked and I placed a finger on my lips.
"Just shut up!" I dialed Min's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, Minnie!" I smiled as she picked up making Mark scoff and I heard a giggle come from the phone.

"What's up, Jaemin?" She asked and I felt my smile grow. I looked at Mark who was waiting for me to say something and I coughed a bit. "You're with Sojin, right?" I asked and she hummed in response.
"Do you guys want to come to come and watch us? Practice?" I asked and Mark widened his eyes.
"Sure!" She sounded pretty excited and I looked at Mark who looked right back at me.


"Good! When will you arrive?" I asked and Mark scoffed before looking away.
"In about 15 minutes, I think!" She mumbled and I heard some weird noises in the background before I heard Sojin laugh.
"Okay, hurry up." I smiled and hung up just as I felt a hit on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked, annoyance clear in his voice and I smirked at him before walking towards the door.
"Inviting my best friend over!" He crossed his arms and walked up in front of me.
"Okay, I would like to see her as well!" I rolled my eyes and opened the doors for the members who were standing on the other side of the door.

"Did you come to a solution?" Jeno asked carefully and I looked at Mark with a smirk before nodding.
"We'll let her choose the one she likes the most." Mark said ignoring my smirk and I looked back at the others who nodded.
"Well, that was probably the best solution you could've come up with." Donghyuck mumbled and I hit him.

"By the way, Sojin and Min are on their way right now." Mark walked over to his hoverboard and I could see Jeno's cheeks turn pink at the mention of Sojin's name.

I looked at Mark who was already looking at me and I walked towards him.
"You're not going to confess are you?" He looked at me and I shook my head. "I won't confess if you don't." I crossed my arms and he copied my actions before holding out his hands.

"Let the best man win." I clenched my jar before grabbing his hand and he squeezed my hand rather hard before letting it go.
He walked towards the others and I glared at his back.


Min's POV:

I walked into the practice room and someone picked me up before spinning me around.

"Hey, Minnie!" Jaemin shouted and placed me on the floor again making me laugh.

"Hey, nerd!" Mark laughed and gave me a rather gently hug making me smile.

I looked at Sojin who greeted Jeno with a blush and I felt a smirk grow.
Jaemin looked at them as they began talking and he smirked slightly.
"Jeno!" He shouted making the boy turn his head towards him.

"Why don't you give her a hug?" He winked and Jeno's face flushed. He looked at Sojin before giving her a quick hug and I squealed slightly.


I stepped onto the hoverboard and so did Sojin.
"I'm gonna fall and then I'll die." I said and Mark grabbed my right arm. "No, I'll save you." Jaemin grabbed my left arm before sending me a smile making Mark scoff and I looked at him.

"You okay?" I asked him and he nodded as I tried leaning forward.
"It's not moving." I groaned and looked towards Sojin who was spinning around.

"Can someone help me?" She laughed making Jeno laugh before he lightly grabbed her waist stopping her from spinning and Sojin's face turned red.

"Use your weight a bit more." Mark said making me look at him and I tried to do, what I was told.
"I have a lot of fat, but I still can't make it move.." I mumbled and Jaemin squeezed my arm making me look at him.

"You're too skinny that's why it won't move." Jaemin said and I rolled my eyes.
"I think I weight more than you." I looked at him and he shook his head before giving me a sweet smile.
"Even if you did, I wouldn't mind.." He mumbled and I felt my cheeks heat up before looking at Mark.

"I don't know how to move." I groaned and his glaring face turned into a smiling one. He started walking slightly and Jaemin let go of my arm as Mark walked around the room.

Jaemin ran up to me again and grabbed my arm again before walking as well.

I looked at both of them and they both sent me a smile as they continued to help me around the room.

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