|| You Worked Hard ||

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Min's POV:

"What's the emergency?" Sojin laughed and sat down on the bed.
"I think I might have a crush..." I told her and she squealed.

"Who is it? Jaemin? Or Mark?" She jumped a bit before sitting down again.
"That's the question.. I don't know.." I laughed awkwardly and Sojin raised her eyebrows at me before breaking into a grin.
"Damn, Min! What if you like them both?" She asked with a wink and I hit her.
"No, but what if I like them both?" I asked widening my eyes and she laughed. "Then.. I don't know!" She kept on laughing and I groaned.

"Then you'll have to choose one of them!" She said and I froze.
"Oh, god..." I rubbed my face and she patted my back.
"Don't worry, just chose the one you like the most!" She said and I gave her a look. "I don't like them both!" I protested and now it was her turn to give me a look.
"Then who do you like?" She asked and I stood up and began walking around the room.

"I don't know! I've known Jaemin for what? Five years and I just love being around him! He's also very sweet and funny but so is Mark! Mark is good looking too which is a plus but so is Jaemin! Mark is just so nice and Jaemin too but Mark helped me dance which was really fun!" I breathed out and Sojin giggled.

"Wow, slow down, girl!" I face planted on my bed and groaned.
"How do they make you feel?" Sojin began massaging my shoulders and I sighed.

"It's so hard to explain, I get so happy and excited when I'm going to hang out with Mark! But when I'm with Jaemin, I feel like I'm myself, you know? I feel like I can do anything with him and it's just so much fun! But both of them makes my body feel all weird and I feel all mushy and warm inside!" I sighed and Sojin giggled.

"You know, it sounds like you're crushing on both of th-"
"No, I'm not!" I sat up surprising her and she began laughing again.
"Stop denying your feelings!" She pinched my cheeks and I crossed my arms.
"I'm not denying my feelings! I'm just nervous around them, that's why!" I told her and she raised her eyebrows.
"And why are you nervous?" She asked and I sighed once again.

"I don't know to be honest.. I'm afraid of messing up, I guess. Like what if I say something really stupid, like when me and Jaemin were arguing! Or what if I say something really embarrassing and it doesn't help that both of them are so good looking!" I groaned and buried my face in my hands and she wrapped an arm around me.

"Min, you need to stop denying your feelings! You like both of them! The question is, who do you like the most?" She asked and I looked at her.
"What? Do I like them both? But I don't know who I like the most! They're both so-"
"So, what? Perfect?" She teased and I glared at her. "Please help me!" She nodded but laughed.
"Okay, okay! Tell me everything from the start again!" She laughed making me hit her.


"Why are we making lunch boxes?" Sojin asked and I smiled at her.
"We're making the boys something to eat! Mark told me that they never have time to buy something to eat, so we're bringing them something." She nodded slowly and placed a box in the bag.
"Are you sure that's the reason? Are you sure it isn't because you want to see Mark and Jaemin?" She crossed her arms and I hit her slightly.
"Stop it!" My cheeks were burning as we began walking towards the big building.
"Stop what? Saying the truth?" She asked and reached the building.

"Will they allow you to come in?" Sojin asked as I opened the door and walked in. I rolled my eyes before looking at her.
"They've seen me before, with the guys!" I shrugged and walked towards their practice room.
I knocked on the door and heard a few shouts before I opened the door.

"Minnie!" Jaemin shouted and gave me a hug and I pushed him away. "Ew, you're sweating!" I laughed and Mark came as well and gave me a hug.
"You're also sweating!" I laughed before pushing him away and Jisung pointed at the bag in my hand.

"What's that?" He asked and I smiled. "Mark told me that you guys don't get to eat when you're practicing, so we brought food!" I smiled and gave the bag to Jaemin. Sojin gave her bag to Jeno who stood closest to her and he smiled at her.
"BLESS YOU MY CHILD!" Donghyuck shouted and gave me a really awkward hug. I patted his head and he sat down. They began eating as we stood up, looking at them.

"Since you're here, come sit with us!" Jaemin said and I sat down beside him. Sojin sat down as well but in between Jeno and Chenle.
"Have you.. Eaten.. Yet?" Chenle asked and we shook our heads. "We were too busy making food for you!" Sojin gave me a look and I laughed embarrassed.

"Here eat a little bit!" Jeno said and gave Sojin a strawberry. She thanked him but she was about just as red as the strawberry. I winked at her and she glared at me.

"You should eat something as well!" Jaemin gave me a strawberry and so did Mark. "Why are you feeding her like that?" Donghyuck laughed and I took a bite of one of the strawberries.
"I'm just taking care of her!" Mark said and Jaemin crossed his arms.
"I'm better at taking care of her!" Jaemin said and wrapped an arm around me. "Please don't start again!" Renjun said and I looked at both of them.

"Oh, yeah we have to tell you girls something!" Jeno said but kept looking at Sojin making me grin.
"What?" Jeno finally looked towards me for a second before looking at the other boys.
"No, wait! Let them guess!" Mark grinned making Jeno close his mouth and I groaned. "How are we gonna guess it?" Sojin laughed while looking at me.

"Let me guess, you're going to debut in two days or something!" I joked and Jaemin grinned at me.
"Not two days.. Tomorrow!" He crossed his arms and my eyes widened.
"What?" Sojin asked and I looked at both Jaemin and Mark. "What?" I asked and Jaemin laughed.
"So like my best friend is going to debut.." I mumbled and Jaemin grinned.
"I'm finally going to debut!" Jaemin said and Mark nodded.

"You worked hard!" I finally said when I had calmed down and I smiled at Jaemin before leaning my head against his shoulder, ignoring the uncontrollable beating of my heart.

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