|| Catching Up ||

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Min's POV:

"Are you sure, you're okay?" Jaemin asked when we were on our way to school. "Yeah, I just threw up this morning but I took some medicine!" I told him but he still looked worried.

When I woke up this morning I felt sick and ended up throwing up which was why I felt so weird yesterday. "Drink a lot of water and tell me if you feel the slightest sick!" He told me sternly and I laughed before nodding.

We walked into the school and when I reached my locker I saw a familiar person.
"Sojin!" I screamed and jumper on her, hugging her. She laughed and hugged me back. "How's it going, best friend?" She asked and I grinned. "Really good! We have to catch up! Let's go shopping today!" I told her and her smile widened. "Yes!" She squealed which made me laugh and Jaemin came from behind.

"Hello Sojin! Long time no see!" He gave her a quick hug and she laughed. "Hi, Jaemin! Have you asked Min out yet?" She asked which made him glare at her and I laughed awkwardly.
"Let's go to class!" I took their arms and dragged them after me.

"Yay, math! The one thing I missed the most!" Sojin rolled her eyes and I laughed. "Stop whining!" I turned to her who was sitting right behind me and Jaemin.


"See you Jaemin!" I waved at him and me and Sojin started making our way to the mall. "I need some new clothes! I actually didn't buy that much in Japan." She said and wrapped an arm around me.

"We are finally together again!" I shouted making some people turn their heads.
"You've been hanging out with Jaemin too much!" Sojin laughed and I shrugged. "He was the only one I could hang out with!" I laughed and she nodded.

"Or I got a new friend not that long ago!" I told her and she looked at me. "What's her name?" She asked and I laughed nervously.
"His name is Mark!" She squealed and slapped my shoulder.
"You get along with boys so well! So is he nice? Is he good looking?" She asked excitedly and I laughed. "Yes and yes!" I said making her squeal again.

"I have to meet him!" She hit my shoulder again and I groaned. "Can you stop hitting me?" I laughed hitting her on the shoulder and she laughed.

"You have to meet his friend as well.. What was his name? Jeno!" I told her and she played with her hair.
"Is he cute?" She asked to which I nodded and she grinned.

"Now let's go find some clothes for you!" I laughed and dragged her into her favorite store.

"Who do you like the most?" Sojin asked while studying a dress and I looked at her. "What do you mean?" She turned to me and shrugged. "Do you like Jaemin the most or Mark?" Her question made me freeze. "Why are you asking me that question?" I grinned nervously and she sighed. "Just answer the question!" She began studying a skirt and I cleared my throat.
"Since I've known Jaemin the longest I'm gonna say him!" I told her and she nodded.

"I think this would suit you!" She said and I looked at the skirt. "You know I don't like to wear skirts!" I scratched my arm and she pushed my shoulder slightly.
"Stop it, you'll look beautiful!" She said and I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I'll give it a try."


"I can't believe I just bought a skirt.." I mumbled making Sojin laugh and she took my hand. "The guys are going to be all over you!" She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

Sojin let go of my hand and began running towards another shop until she ran into a boy, making the poor guy fall. "Sojin!" I shouted and I heard a familiar voice shout as well. "Renjun!"

I helped Sojin up who was about to apologize to the boy and I realized who the voice belonged to.
"Hey, nerd!" Mark grinned and I smiled. "Hey, idiot!" Sojin looked at me confused and the boy looked at Mark confused. "Let me introduce you to Mark, Sojin!" I told her and she widened her eyes. "Is it him?" She whispered in my ear and I nodded.
"Let me introduce you to Renjun!" Mark said and I bowed at him.

After all the introductions we decided to walk together. We went into a couple of stores and I bought a some more random stuff before deciding to stop.
"Are you a trainee as well?" I poked Renjun who looked at me before nodding.
"I am a trainee too!" He gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"I swear, Min! You're so good with guys!" Sojin hit my shoulder making Mark laugh.
"Says the one who actually dated before!" I crossed my arms and she rolled her eyes. "It wasn't serious!" She stated and I nodded. "If you say so!" I looked at Mark. "Why aren't you at practice?" I asked him and he froze.

"Oh, yeah.. We were supposed to buy some of the others food.. We should probably go back!" Mark grinned sheepishly and I hit his shoulder. "You probably should! We should get going as well! It was nice to meet you Renjun and I hope to see you again!" I quickly hugged Mark who was rubbing his arm and he grinned.

"See you, nerd!" He waved at us and I pouted. "See you, idiot!" I shouted at him before dragging Sojin into a restaurant.

"Let's eat something and go home after!" I told her and she nodded. "Mark? He was a cutie!" She squealed and I placed a hand over her mouth. "Yeah, but don't squeal there's other people here!" I told her before removing my hand and she grinned.

"I'll stop!" She told me and I nodded. "But he was cute!" She mumbled and I glared at her. "Why are you glaring? Are you jealous? Do you like him?" She asked and I shook my head looking through the food. "No, you aren't jealous or no, you don't like him?" She asked and I shrugged making her whine. "Tell meee!" She pouted and I shushed her. "What do you want to eat?" My question made her whine again.


While laying in my bed I took my phone and looked at it. I couldn't sleep so I ended up messing around on my phone instead. Liking people's pictures and stuff like that.
I came across a picture that Jaemin had posted and I liked it. After a couple of minutes I got a message and I looked at it.

'Why aren't you sleeping?' It was from Jaemin. How did he know that I was up?

'Couldn't sleep.' I sighed closing my eyes and tried to fall asleep but failed. The vibrations from my phone made me open my eyes and I looked at it. I widened my eyes at his text.

'Oh, okay. But, Minnie? If you aren't doing anything after school tomorrow, do you maybe want to come watch me practice?'

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