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Jaemin's POV:

I couldn't help but smile as I looked to my side and looked at Min, who was doing her homework.

"Why are you staring at me?" I saw a smile form on her face, before she looked up and my face heated up as I looked away.
"I wasn't." I looked back at her and saw her roll her eyes, with the smile still on her face.

"Sure you weren't."

She went back to her homework but I didn't stop looking at her and she didn't stop smiling either.

I was going to do it.

I was going to confess to her, I didn't care about what Mark would say.


As we were walking home, I decided to drag Min to the nearest playground, which she seemed a bit weirded out about,  but followed anyways.

As we were sitting on the swings, I looked towards her and felt my palms get sweaty. "Why are we here?" She let out an adorable laugh, making a smile appear on my face.
"We've been friends for about five years, right?" She nodded with a small smile on her lips and I took a deep breath.

"I want you to know, that I li-"

"Jaemin!" I felt myself freeze and I turned around.


Mark's POV:

"You lost, so you're getting us something to eat!" Donghyuck said, making me sigh but nod and I stood up before walking out of the room.

While walking, my mind went to Min. She was just so cute and I really wanted to confess to her, without Jaemin knowing, but we promised each other, to let her choose and we shouldn't confess until she confesses.

I walked by the playground and spotted a familiar back or I spotted the familiar jacket. I walked up to the two people, sitting on the swings and I narrowed my eyes at Jaemin's back.

"We've been friends for about five years, right?" I crossed my arms as I stood a few feet behind them and I widened my eyes as he began his next sentence.

"I want you to know that I li-"

"Jaemin!" I exclaimed feeling quite angry inside and I saw his body stiffen before he turned around. Min turned around as well and Jaemin stood up before crossing his arms.

"You're just going to confess to her like that? What about what we agreed to?" I saw Min widen her eyes and her head quickly snapped towards me.


"I don't care what we agreed to! I just wanted to do it!" He exclaimed and Min shook her head quickly.

"What's happening?"

"Just let us talk, Minnie." Jaemin smiled at her and I glared at him as she nodded before looking down.
He looked back at me, his face changing completely and I scoffed.

"You just wanted to confess first, so that you would have a bigger chance?" He shrugged.
"I think I might have a bigger chance, I've known her for so long and you? A few months?" I rolled my eyes at his argument before nodding my head and in the corner of my eye, I saw Min shuffle uncomfortably.

"I don't understand." I heard her mumble and I looked at her with a small smile before walking towards her.
Jaemin scoffed and ran up in front of me reaching Min first, making me glare at him.

"So the thing is-"

"I like you!" I blurted out and Jaemin snapped his head towards me as Min's face flushed.

"I like you as well, Minnie.. And I've liked you for so long.." Jaemin turned to Min, his eyes much calmer while looking at her and her blush darkened.

"I.. I don't know what to say.." She looked away from us and I heard Jaemin sigh.
"Just tell us, if you like any of us.." He looked at her and I did as well but she kept her gaze at the ground.

"I.. I think I need some time." Was the last thing she said before running away and I sighed angrily, looking at Jaemin.

"You couldn't wait, could you?" He scoffed and started walking away.
"Like you didn't want to know either!" I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the practice room.

He was right though. I did want to know.


"So you don't have any food?" I grabbed Donghyuck shoulders and he raised his hands.

"I was just kidding, chill!" I let go of him and ruffled my hair before rubbing my face in frustration.

"I can't believe he was going to confess to her." I grumbled and I felt someone rub my shoulder. "You would've done it as well, if you had gotten the chance." I looked down at Jeno's words, because he was right.

"You're right.."

"But just give her time, you really did put her under a lot of pressure.." Jisung told me making me nod before resting my face in my hands.

"That's why, I don't want to get a girlfriend. Love is too complicated, so are girls." I heard Donghyuck exclaim and I heard a hit right after.

"Not your girlfriend, I like her!"

"What?" I heard Jeno exclaim before I heard another hit and heard Donghyuck groan.

Love is too complicated sometimes.


Min's POV:

I ran away.

When I had reached my house, I stopped running and tried to catch my breath before hesitantly opening the door.

I sighed in relief when I realized that none of the two were here and walked into the living room.
I sat down beside my mom and rested my head on her shoulder as she began stroking my hair.

"What's wrong? You seem so down." My dad walked over and sat down beside me as well as I let out a sigh.

"The guys confessed to me." My mom gasped slightly and hugged me.
"Oh gosh, that's great, Min!" She exclaimed and I quickly shook my head, making her give me an odd look.
"Why? Isn't it a good thing?" I quickly shook my head and I heard my dad clear his throat.

"She said, the guys, both of them confessed." My mom gasped once again and hugged me tighter.

"Im sorry.. You must be under a lot of pressure, but remember, you can't control your own feelings, so you don't have to feel bad about anything." I nodded at her calming voice and I felt my dad rub my back.

"Just remember, take as much time as you need.. You don't have to answer them right now, figure out your feeling and then tell them."

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