|| Odd Feelings.. ||

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Min's POV:

"To be honest I'm disappointed in you. You could've done much better!" Our English teacher was scolding us and I looked at Jaemin trying not to laugh.

"I'm disappointed in everyone, but you, Min!" He said looking at me and I looked back in surprise. I pointed at myself and he nodded before placing the test paper in my table. "Look at it!" Jaemin whispered and I carefully took the paper.

My eyes widened and I showed it to Jaemin who's eyes widened as well. "I thought you were bad at English.." He mumbled and I nodded. "So did I.."

Our teacher placed a paper in front of Jaemin and he looked at it. "What?" I asked and he showed it to me.

"That's not bad!" I said and he smiled at me. "Thanks, Minnie."


"Jeno just texted me and told me that practice is cancelled!" Jaemin exclaimed stopping in the middle of the street. "Really?" I said excited and he nodded. "Maybe we could- Oh, wait.. I promised to visit my uncle.." He mumbled and I ruffled his hair. "Remember, family first!" I told him and he nodded with a sigh.

"I really wanted to hang out with you though.." He said and I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"We'll just hang out on your day off!" He smiled making me feel happy inside.
"Fine.. I'll see you tomorrow, my smart Minnie!" He hugged me and I began walking home.

When I arrived home and was about to unlock the door, I felt my phone vibrate.

'Hey, Min! So practice was cancelled today and I was wondering if maybe I could come over?' I unlocked the door and walked straight into my room. I sat on my bed as I was writing a reply. I felt excited to tell him about my score.

'Hey, Mark! And of course you can come over!' I placed my phone on my table and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Mark is coming over!" I told my parents who were both drinking coffee and my mom nodded. I went into my room again and looked at my phone.

'I'll be there in fifteen minutes!' After reading the text I decided to quickly change and clean my room as much as I could.

"Min!" My dad shouted and I ran over to the door where Mark was standing. "Hello Mark!" My dad said and smiled at him. "Hi!" He smiled back and my mom came to greet him as well. After the greetings we went into my room and sat in front of each other on my bed.

"So do you think I failed my English test?" I asked him and he rubbed his chin. "I don't think you failed." He told me as I gave him my test paper. He widened his eyes when he saw my score and looked at me with a proud smile.
"Wow, that's pretty amazing!" He said and looked at it again. "I was pretty amazed myself." I told him honestly and he laughed.

"A part of me wants to be proud and another part of me wants to tease you about being so smart." He gave me the paper back and I laughed. "There's nothing wrong with being smart!" He shook his head. "I didn't say that!" I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I should call you nerd from now on.." He mumbled and I glared at him. "If you call me nerd, I'll call you idiot!" I laughed and he shrugged. "Go ahead, nerd." He crossed his arms and leaned against my wall.

"Idiot." I mumbled and he grinned. "Nerd."
I hit him with my nearest pillow and he looked offended. "How dare you?" He took my pillow out of my hands and hit me twice. "I only hit you once!" I laughed taking the other pillow on my bed and hitting him twice.


"My hair is so messy!" I laughed and looked and Mark who just finished laughing. For some reason we were having a pillow fight and I ended up falling off my bed.

"It looked so funny when you fell!" He giggled and I sat on the bed again. "Oh, really?" I asked before pushing him down and I started laughing. "It does look really funny!" I agreed and Mark grabbed my arm before dragging me down.

We ended up laughing hysterically on the floor and my mom came in to check if something was wrong.
"You're so silly!" My mom shook her head before closing the door behind her and I sat up.

"My stomach and my back hurts!" I groaned and Mark sat up. "Same." He rubbed his stomach and stretched his arms.

"So, Min. When are we going to have another dance lesson?" I widened my eyes and shook my head. "Not anytime soon!" He chuckled and leaned against my bed. "You were good!" I rolled my eyes at his compliment but I couldn't help myself but blush slightly. "You're blushing again, nerd!" He laughed and I pushed him away from me. "It's not my fault that I blush easily!" I defended and Mark looked at his phone.

"My mom wants me to go home.." He mumbled with a pout and I ruffled his already messy hair. "You love doing that, don't you?" He asked doing the same thing and I nodded. "Well, I should get going!" Mark stood up and held out his hand to help me stand up as well. I walked him to the door and gave him a hug.

"See you, nerd!" He waved and I rolled my eyes. "See you, idiot!" I waved back and I heard him laugh before I closed the door.
I went into my room and decided to text Jaemin.

'Are you having fun?' He responded pretty quickly.

'Yeah, I guess.. I would rather be with you and look at your blushing face though..' I felt my face heat up at his text and I felt warm inside.

'Thanks? I'm tired so I'll go to sleep now! I just wanted to hear from you before going to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow!' While changing I still had this warm feeling inside me but I didn't really understand why I had it.
Was I sick?
I looked at my phone to see a message from Jaemin.

'Yeah, it's getting pretty late! I'll see you tomorrow, Minnie! And sleep tight!' After reading his message I shut off my phone and went to bed.

What was this weird feeling that I had in my stomach?


I just wanna thank everyone who's reading this and comments! It makes me happy to see your comments and I read every single one of them! Thank you for reading my book even though my English isn't perfect! I appreciate all your comments and likes! ~ ^^

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