|| I'll Teach You ||

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Min's POV:

"I should drag you with me to practice one day." Those were the words which randomly left Jaemin while we were sitting by our usual table, enjoying our lunch, and my eyebrow raised slightly before I let out a small cheer.

"Then I'll be able to meet Jeno and Donghyuck and all the others!" To that he snickered and would probably had elbowed me in the side if we weren't facing each other.

"As long as you don't fall for them!" Leaning over the table, his finger came in contact with my nose, and my eyes moved to the ceiling at his teasing tone.

"Can't promise anything. Jeno sounds exactly like my ideal type!" My eyebrows moved in a wriggle which made Jaemin rub his temples as he looked at me with a disappointed look, a sigh left him.

"He's really no fun.." The expression he was wearing looked so serious and his comment was just as odd, and the combination of the two made me laugh.

"When's your day off?" Finally I got the courage to ask him that question as I had been afraid he didn't have any days off in the near future.

"Sunday, I think." While nodding his head up and down, he told me that, which made a grin form on my face.

"Then let's hang out on Sunday!" That made made him grin this time.

"What are we going to do?" His question made me shrug my shoulders slightly, before I came with a suggestion;

"Let's go bowling or something."

"No! Let's go to the beach!" What surprised me the most about this, was the squeak which followed.


'Hey Min, don't freak out, but
I'm outside your house, waiting for you!'

'Okay? I'm coming out!'

"What are you doing here?" What a perfect timing for my parents to not be home, and I stepped outside, a questioning look got sent in Mark's direction.

"I don't know, I felt like talking to you!" He had his hands in his pockets, and I turned around to lock the door, before I shook my head slightly.

"And you couldn't just call me?" A small smile was on my lips as he shook his head.

"I wanted to see you." Blood rushed to my face in an instant at that, and my head snapped away from the boy, I bit back another smile.

"You blush quite easily, don't you?" The teasing tone in his voice and the snicker which left him was enough for me to hit his arm, and he continued to snicker as he continued;

"Hey, I was just joking."

"How do you know where I live?" It was a stupid question, and I knew the answer to it, but in that moment my mouth wasn't working well with my brain.

"I walked you home yesterday! How could you forget?" The teasing tone was back, morphing my lips into a pout.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Another stupid question left me, and after those words had left me, I wanted to be able to sew my mouth shut to not say something else which was completely ridiculous.

"I wouldn't necessarily call this kidnapping." It came out as a mumble, but it managed to reach my ears as the words made my eyebrows raise, and he opened the door to a building I hadn't noticed before we actually walked inside.

"I'm pretty sure this counts as kidnapping!" It came out as a joke, and Mark knew that as he nudged me in the side slightly, he grabbed my wrist, before quickly making his way down the hall.

"Please don't tell me that we're going to dance.." I had actually planned on saying something else, but when Mark pushed me into a room and I noticed the big mirror, I had to ask, he only gave me a toothy grin.

"Are you even allowed to be in here?" To my question he shrugged, before answering, much to my confusion;

"This is my practice room! Or it was." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he noticed quickly how confused I actually was, because he started explaining to me;

"Yes, practice room, I train here! Like you know, a trainee." My eyes blinked quickly, even more stunned than I was moments ago, and he chuckled slightly, mumbling the word 'cute' after I shook my head, confusion written all over my face.

"What song do you want to dance to?" He decided to leave it there, and he moved his head in a circle as well as moving the rest of his body, and once again my head moved from side to side.

"Seriously, I suck at dancing." Not even Jaemin had seen me dance.

"I'll teach you!" His phone was placed on the floor, music blasting from it, before he took my hand in his, leading me to the middle of the room.

"Okay, start with your right foot!" Easy, I thought as I stuck out my foot, but then again, I was plain stupid sometimes.

"That's your left foot!" His laugh echoed through the room as a small 'oh' left me, and I quickly switched, before waiting for my next instruction, but he was busy trying to stop laughing at my mistake.

"Hey, stop laughing at me." It came out as a weird sounding whine, and he quickly nodded his head, before a small 'sorry' left his lips.

"Let's continue."


Mark's POV:

"Should I walk you home?"

To my question she shook her head, a small smile tucking at the corner of her lips, and I nodded a bit, biting back a smile at her adorableness.

"Fine, but text me when you get home, so I know that you got home safely!" This time it was her turn to nod, and I lead her to the door, standing against the doorframe as she said the next words;

"It was really fun! And thanks for putting up with my horrible dancing skills." A laugh left me before I closed the door after her, not without waving my hand though, and only moments later was the door slammed open again, a familiar voice echoing.

"Why are you here? You should be practicing with us." It was Jaemin who said that, and I lifted my hand to scratch my neck awkwardly.

"I told Chenle I was practicing alone today.." While looking at Chenle, had I stated that, and the younger boy only stared back at me.

"Next time tell me or Donghyuck." Those words made me sigh, but I still nodded, promising him I would do that, and my wrist got grabbed by Jeno.

"Now come practice with us!" With that being said, I was dragged out of the room.

While I was getting dragged away by Jeno, I felt my phone vibrate, and I glanced at it, a smile immediately finding its way onto my face.

'I'm almost home! Thanks for caring!'

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