|| Study? ||

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Min's POV:

'Are you home?' I grinned when I read his text.

'I'm home! Why?' I sighed and laid on my bed.

'Can I come over? I need some help with studying..' I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the grin on my face.

'Sure!' He answered after a about a minute.

'I'll be there in ten!' I felt excited and walked over to my closet. After deciding what to wear, I changed into something that was more comfortable than my uniform.

"Min! There's someone here for you!" My mom shouted and I ran to the door. Mark was standing in the doorway with his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Come in!" I said stepping to the side and he did what he was told.

My mom looked at me with a small smirk and then looked at Mark. "So who is this, Min?" She asked and I laughed awkwardly. "Mom this is Mark! Mark this is my mom! And my dad!" I said just as my dad walked in.
My dad was looking Mark up and down and I could tell that he felt slightly awkward.

"Oh, is he the boy that you think is good looking?" My mom smirked and I glared at her. "You think I'm good looking?" Mark looked at me with a satisfied grin and I took his hand before dragging him to my room. "We're going to study!" I shouted before closing the door and I turned to Mark who was now sitting on my bed.

"What do you need help with?" I asked and he pulled something out of his bag. "Math, history and some other things!" He mumbled and I laughed. "I don't think I'll be that much of a help with history!" I laughed looking at his papers.

"I just didn't want to study alone." He chuckled scratching his neck and I snickered. "So you don't need help at all?" I asked and he nodded. "I need help with math!" I smiled. Math was one of my best subjects.

"Do you need help with anything?" He asked while looking at his papers. "Yeah.. I suck at English! I have an English test tomorrow and English homework!" He laughed which made me push him slightly. "Why are you laughing?" I asked to which he shook his head.
"Nothing, you're just cute!" His comment made me roll my eyes.

"Stop it, do you think you'll be able to help me with English?" I asked and he looked at me. "Yeah, I'll help you." He replied in English and I laughed nervously. "Can you say that again? So I can understand it?" He laughed and repeated what he had said but this time in Korean.

"Now help me with math!" He said and showed me his papers. "I don't understand it!" He said while I was looking through his answers.
"You made a mistake!" I told him before explaining it to him.

"Ah, now I get it!" He wrote down the answer and smiled at me. "Thanks, Min!"
He continued with his math while I just sat staring at him. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked and I looked down. "Are you done?" He sighed at my question. "Almost!" He replied and I nodded looking at him again. He had this weird grin on his face and he looked up after he finished.

"Now, let me help you with your English!" He grinned and I found my English book. "I have to read this page and that page!" I told him pointing at the pages. He moved a little closer so he could help me translate.
It was hard for me to concentrate since he was so close but I managed to understand it.


"Wow, studying is much funnier when doing it with you!" He stretched and packed his things away.
"It actually only took about two hours!" I said amazed and he laid down on my bed. "When do you have to be home?" He shrugged at my questions and sat up again.

"When I want to!" He said and yawned. "Wait, Mark? Don't you have practice?" I asked and he shrugged. "We weren't going to practice anyways today.." He grinned and I laughed hitting him.
"Practice is important!" I told him to which he nodded. "I know.. I was just too exhausted." I rolled my eyes and took my laptop.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something? Are you hungry?" I asked and he nodded.
"Let's watch a movie!" He said and I opened Netflix.
"Do you want me to get us something to eat?" He nodded at my question and I stood up before walking out of my room.

I walked into the kitchen to see my dad who was making coffee.
"So is he nice?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Can I make some popcorn?" He nodded at me and ruffled my hair. "Take some sweets as well!" He walked out of the kitchen and I started preparing everything.

"Min? Do you need help?" Mark came in and I nodded at him. He chuckled and took the bowl with popcorn. "Was that everything?" He asked to which I nodded and we both walked into my room again.

"You can choose the movie!" I told him and made the bed comfortable to both of us. After some thinking he chose the movie and I started it. We both leaned back as the movie started and I took a handful of popcorn.

"Do you like comedies?" I asked about fifteen minutes into the movie when I realized it was a comedy. "I like laughing." He mumbled still looking at the screen.
I was going to take another handful of popcorn but I ended up touching his hand instead and I quickly moved my hand away.
Mark moved a little closer and I felt my face heat up. I tried focusing on the movie but I was too embarrassed.


"Thank you for today, Min!" Mark grinned and gave me a hug. "If only I could hang out with you everyday!" He winked and I giggled. "I'm just a fantastic person!" I laughed and he nodded. "You are!"

"I'll guess I'll text you tomorrow!" I told him and he nodded. "See you!" He waved at me and began walking away. I stood a few minutes looking at his back before it got too cold and I walked back inside.

I went into the living room and sat beside my dad. "He's a nice guy, I like him!" He ruffled my hair and I smiled. "But I still think you and Jaemin would be cute together!"

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