Step Back

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I'm far from perfect
But I'm no one's blame game
I have decided to take a
Step back

I can't help people
Who want my advice
But then make it my fault
If it's not what they want to hear

So no more
I am still working on
My own path
Of healing

Can't have anxiety
Overtake me when
Someone turns
Advice into

If you don't want my opinion
Tell me
"Olga, I don't want your advice
I'm ok as is but thank you."

Won't hurt my feelings
I promise
What will though
Is energy spent
On someone

Who makes it sound like
My help is my view of their failure
Don't put words in my head
Or mouth

I'm trying to be supportive
Because I know what it's like
To be alone in a situation like this
With no one spurring me on

Perhaps my support
Isn't appreciated
Because that's what it feels like
Like I'm wasting my breath

When someone doesn't like
What I say, they'll turn it into
My supposed view of them
Which is all kinds of not fair

Communication is key
Not "well you think this and that"
No one knows what I think
Unless they ask

So now I'm going to take a
Step back
Focus on myself
And those that truly appreciate
My help

I shall not advise anymore
Unless people ask for it
I can't have any more anxiety
Then I already do

If someone claims
Communication is so important
Than they have to set the example
Not just expect it from others

It's a two way street
People help each other
Out of the kindness
Of their hearts
If they so choose

But if that isn't valued
In me
I'm perfectly fine with
Leaving forever

Give love to return it
What you put out into
The universe is what
You'll get back

Step back
To move forward
And those that are meant to
Move with me

G-D bless
And good luck

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