Chp 25 Be safe - Edward

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Bella's PoV

" we should have keep tighter with the rapist's car! And Bella wouldn't have..." a familiar voice

sobbed at the last part. I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't.

What's that annoying beeping sound? Argh. Damnit.

" Calm down, Edward. stay strong. " Emmett's. Wow. I never hear him so serious before.

" She will be fine, " Alice's sweet voice assured him.

" it's going to be okay." I heard Esme's muffled voice mumbled quietly.

" Please wake up, Bella." Rosalie.

" Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep." Annoying machine.

I had counted 132 beeps when a new voice came.

" Her health is getting better and stronger, she may wake up anytime. " Daddy's!

Everyone cheered in happiness.

I beat. Two beat. Three beat. Four beat. Fiv- OW!

What's that sharp thingy in my blood? OW!

My feeling got stronger and I felt a long worm resting between my nose and mouth! Ew.

I reached out my sore hand and pulled the worm thingy away, but a smooth hand stopped me.

" Dont."

I felt angry. There is a worm on my mouth and they wanted me to keep it?!

" Bella. Wake up." an angelic voiced called.

My eyelids turned lighter and wrinkled my nose and opened my eyes to the broad light.

" Bella." Edward sighed happily.

I blinked twice and saw the picture more clearly.

Everyone smiled hugely at me, what's going on?

" Wha-? Why am I here?" I cleared my hoarse throat and choked out.

" You forgot? What did you remember, Bella?" Carlisle asked calmly.

" Everything? I... Forgot it after we took a test... Ben took me to a hote-" I gasped at the end.

" Oh." I looked down.

Edward pulled me into a big hug.

I squirmed and flinched away from him.

" Bella?" he asked me worriedly and touched my shoulder. I whimpered and cringed.

" Son." Esme stopped her and everyone looked at me worriedly.

Carlisle begun to spoke to them " Let's give Bella some rest, let's go out, guys." but his eyes were

showing something else like : Follow me.

They got up and left, Alice shot me a worried glance and closed the door.

Edward's POV

" As you can see, guys. Bella had some... Actions when you touch her simply. She needs to gain

our trust back. Ben had done bad things to her and we need to delete it from her memory forever.

Don't simply touch her, talk to her. Make her laughs." Carlisle spoke sadly at the end. Esme

hugged his shoulders.

Everyone nodded glumly and went back to Bella's ward.


" You can check out now, sweetie." A nurse smiled at Bella whos nearly hopping on the bed

excitedly. Carlisle laughed and went out to do her papers.

" Yes! I had been waiting this day to come!" She laughed and got down from her bed.

I helped her carefully, not touching anywhere besides her hand. She smiled and went to grab her


" I will help you." I took the bags from her.

" Excited huh?" Emmett grinned, taking some her bags.

" Yes!" she squealed, " The food here is disgusting! Th bathroom is so small that I could only wash

my feet!"

" That worse?" Alice asked in disbelief after she went to check it.

" Yup. It's true." She confirmed it.

" Lets go."

Rosalie pushed Bella's wheelchair while they chat with her.

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