Chp 49 Runing and Rushing for the boys

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Bella's POV

After breakfast, Alice, Jasper, Edward and me sat on the couch, switching channels.

" Where's Rosalie and Emmet anyway?" Edward mumbled, turning his head.

" Uh... Rosalie is repairing her car and Emmet... I don't know." Alice muttered, eyes on the flat


" It's better he's gone. He would snatch the remote control from me and changed it to football. " I

grumbled while switching it.

" Oooh. Wait!" Alice stopped me at a channel. " Celeb News?"

" The Cullen family had graduated from UBA! Congratulations! And now, I could hear the bells

ringing! When are they getting married? Tomorrow? Next week? Who knows? This is Brianna

Walts. And next will be the Smiths family news! Don't go away."

And a picture of us shaking hands with the Head.

" What a surprise!" Jasper muttered sarcastically.

" Guys? It's 10:00already! Go shopping for girls with papa and the boys with cook! " I heard Rose

shouted. The boys groaned and got up.

" yay! Shopping!" Alice squealed. I rolled my eyes and joined Carlisle for car shopping.

" Wait! Wait!" I heard Esme called out. We stopped and turned around.

Esme handed us a piece of pink paper while the boys are blue.

" What is this?" I asked warily.

" we will watch your every step of cooking, boys." Esme warned." And well, the girls will... Listen

whatever your fathers wants. And boys will be living in hell. "

I snickered at Edward who scowled.

" Okay. Let's go princesses! Shopping for Cars!" Carlisle ushered us to his Austin and we drove off.

Edward POV

" Mommy, must we do this?" I whined.

" Yes. Now go to the kitchen and wear the aprons." Esme demanded. We slouched to there and

I saw blue first so I snatched it.

" Ha. Ha. Ha." I snickered, while the others get yellow and pink.

" Could this day get any worse?" Emmett hung his head and pick up the pink one.

" Mom? How to tie this... Thing?!" Jasper asked in a frustrated voice as he wanted to reach back

to tie the apron. Esme sighed and helped us.

" Now smile!" Esme laughed as she took a picture of us. We stared blankly at the light.

" What?"

" Oh! How cute! I going to post it! " Esme giggled and typed something on her phone.

" Aww mom!" Emmett whined.

" We are baking cookies today!" Esme announced. We cheered.

" And those cookies are for the ladies." she added slyly. We moaned.

" Now. Edward. What kind of flavour Bella loved?" She asked me.

" Chocolate?" if Bella is here, I am going to die.

" Make that an answer."

" Chocolate." I sighed.

" Emmett?"

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