Chp 74 Panic panic

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Rosalie's POV

" What the fuck Bella? Where is your shit and you?" I cursed angrily and tapped my foot impatiently beside her trolley.

" Excuse me?" A sweet voice interrupted me.

" What?" I snapped and turned around and saw a little girl with violet eyes.

" Um... Isabel- are you waiting for Isabella?" She asked, scared at my outburst. I kneeled down and my eyes soft at the girl. " Yes. Do you know where she is?" I asked.

" Um... She went in there. A man told me to tell her to." She bit her lip.

Shit. This is not good.

" okay. Thank you. You are very sweet." I smiled. She blushed and ran away.

Slowly, I pushed open the storage door and flipped on the lights. I gasped as I saw Bella's ballet flat laying there.

Shit, shit. Shit.

I started panic and tears ran down from my eye as I pulled out my phone.

I pushed the numbers with my shaking hands.

" he-loo?" I said, eyes still on the shoe.

" Hey Rosalie." He greeted.

" Edward! Edward! Help!" I cried.

" What's wrong, Rose? Calm down." He soothed me.

" No time, Edward! Bella' it's Bella!" I panicked, fingers weaving trough my hair.

" What about Bella? What about her?" Edward panicked too.

" Oh my god. Edward! She's gone! She had been kidnapped!" I cried louder and kneeled on the floor.

There's a pause on the line.

" What?" He asked.


Emmett's POV

" Haha! You lose!" I snickered as Eddie's screen turned red.

" What?" I heard him asked in his phone and I leaned in to hear him.

" BELLA HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Rosie yelled on the other line and cried. Edward's phone slipped from his hands and I picked it up quickly.

" Tell me every- no. We are going over. Where are you, Rose?" I asked, panicking, pacing around.

" K-mart... Bella- I saw... Her shoe in a storage. SSS-someone said a- man told her to went it there!" Rosalie cried.

" Okay. Okay. I am going there. Calm down, baby. We are going there." I hung up and yelled.

" Dad! Everyone! Come down! BELLA HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I screamed and everyone was down in some seconds.

" What?!" Al cried.

" We gotta go to K-mart. C'mon." I nudged Edward who is in shock.

" let me help ." Our family Mr Calm aka Jasper said.

" My baby!" Esme cried.

" Tell me this is a joke, son." Carlisle said.

" It isn't, Dad. Rose called just now. She is crying. I will tell you in the car." I kicked Edward and he shot right up ,running to his car. We followed behind him.

" Emmett. Call Bella." Edward said in a rush and fished the car into a tail and sped off.

Bella's POV

" Buzzed, buzzed," a thing buzzed in my pocket. Slowly, my eyes opened and I groaned, remembering the stupid scene.

" I had been kidnapped." I whimpered. I was in a box? More like a trunk. There were music blasting outside,I bet he can't hear me. I pulled my phone with shaking hand.

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