Chp 45 Congrats babies

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Bella's PoV

" Stevan Carend!" Mrs Lawq callee out and the hardy boy went up the stage and got his certificate

and some stuff. He shook hands with the Head and went down.

" This is so long." I muttered. " Yeah." Rosalie mumbled and checked her nails.

" Is Edward the first in the Cullen?" I asked, ducking my head back.

" No. . Alice, Edward then Emmett then you then Jasper then me." I nodded.

The teacher continued calling names and names and names...

" Alice Mary Swan Cullen!" oh god. It's us. We got up and walked to the stage.

" Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!" my dashing fiancé walked slowly to the Head.

" Emmett McCarty Rudy Cullen!"

" Isabella Marie Swan Cullen!" I took a deep breathe and went up, shaking hands with the Head,

he congrated me. " Congrats, Miss Swan." I nodded and smiled to the audience who Carlisle and

Esme took picture of us.

" Jasper Dale Whitlock Cullen,"

" Rosalie Lilian Hale Cullen."

The Cullens get the most loud of applause as we were the famous. Not that I wanna praise myself

We grinned at Esme and Carlisle as we passed by the stage. They gave us a thumbs up and a goofy


some students of the year gave some speeches plus the Head and the Dean.

" Students of 2013 UBA officially graduated!"

We stood up and threw our red hats to the sky while the audience applauded loudly and some of

them were taking pictures.

I ram to Edward and hugged him really tightly. " Congrats , baby. We had graduated!" he


I squealed and peaked him on the cheek and went to find the rest.

" Al!" I shouted and she and Jasper came hoping excitedly.

" We had graduated! " Emmett boomed and we gathered around. People beside us doesn't exist

anymore. It's just us. The Cullens.

" Congrats, babies!" a familiar voice came and we saw Carlisle and Esme wearing very formal.

" Father!" we went over and hugged them.

" I missed you, momma." I hugged Esme.

" Ah. I miss you too sweetheart."

" Let's go home for my home-cook dinner!" Esme shouted excitedly.

" Yay! Finally! Home cook!" we yelled and they chuckled. The boys ripped their ties off.

" I can't believe we are free! We are adults!" I giggled and leaned against Edward's muscular chest.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to the car park for our car. The

rest of the gang suggested to ride their own car separately.

" Come here." I leaned in to kiss Edward's soft lips for a very long time after I got in his baby.

" I love you." Edward murmured as our nose touched.

" Love you too, baby. Now let's go home!" I said and pulled back, allowing him to drive as I

buckled my seatbelt.

I saw the a red Camry and a blue Volkswagen on the highway and lifted down my window and

yelled" Hey! You Cullen bitches!"

Of course they turned their head and they grinned while turning their windows down too.



" ALICE AND WE ARE GOING TO BE GREAT FRIENDS!" We laughed and turned the window


" Edward and Anthony Masen Cullen." I murmured.

" What? " he jerked his head.

" Nothin' sweetheart. Just bored," I smiled and tuned in the radio and my song came.

We kept quiet, listening to my song.

" It's been years since I composed. " Edward shrugged in when the sing finished.

" Me too." then a light bulb flashed in my mind.

" Oh my god! We could do a song together!" my eyes widen at the amazing thought.

" okay!" Edward seemed happy about the idea.

" Gosh. I missed this freaking place!" I stepped out of the car to the mansion and two more cars

stopped beside us. Edward grabbed our bags and went in.

" Holy mama! I miss you!" Emmett yelled in the house. We laughed.

" Dinner first, children!" I heard Esme called from the kitchen. We dashed to there and sat in our


" OMFG! I am so hungry!" Alice squealed as Esme laid yummy so yummy food on the table.

" Homemade apple pie!" Jasper said while licking his lips.

" I LOVE FOOD," I smirked.

" On 3. " Rosalie warned the boys.

" 1..." I started,

" 3!" the boys yelled and started digging the chicken wings. Half a minute and they were gone.

I glared at Edward beside me who gets the most wings, he smiled sheepishly and gave me some.

The we started fighting for apple pie.

" No fair! It's mine"

" Momma said we get three pieces each!" I screeched

" I had two! Emmett!" Rosalie growled,

" I was hungry!" Emmett whined.

" Edward?" I battled my eyelashes at him. He groaned and lifted one piece for me. Yes!

" jasper! I saw you taking 4!" Rosalie accused, Jasper looked up sheepishly. We looked like

wanting to straggle him.

" Mommy!" Al called. And they came running.

" what's wrong?"

" Jasper took 4 apple pies!" I complained.

" Jasper. You are not getting 2cheese cakes. Only one." Carlisle warned. He pouted and nodded.

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