Chp 9 Things

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Bella's POV

Am I right? Should I walked away from him?

I hate to confess this but I miss him.

" Dinggggg Dongggg!" my door bell rang. I heard my butler opened the large doors and spoke

" Please wait here."

Then I heard footsteps along the corridor and the butler poked his head to my room.

" Miss Swan. Miss Rosalie and Miss Alice is here. Should I let them in?" he asked politely.

I nodded.

After some seconds, the girls went running to my room, I guessed they heard my fighting with


I sighed and got up from my couch and unplugged my earbuds as Alice an Rose came screaming


" Oh! Bella! We missed you!" Rose yelled while hugging me. After some hugs, Alice spoke quietly.

" Forgive Edward, please."

I looked at her. " I don't know, Ali. I'm confused now. " I looked desperately at them.

Rose hugged me tighter." It's okay, Bella. Take your time."

" Bella, please. He hadnt sleep and ate a bit these days. His parents, Esme and Carlisle started

to worry. He just locked up himself from his room. We hadn't seen him for days."

I felt guilty. Really?

" Give me some time." I smiled weakly. They left after that for shopping. I told them I wasn't in a

mood for shopping so they left without me.

I opened my fridge for some ice cream but I remembered I ate finished yesterday.

" Mr Loge! I going out for groceries!" I yelled.

My butler came " Yes. Miss Swan."

" do you guys want something ?" I asked my maids and the butler.

" No. We are good." the housekeeper smiled.

I nodded and went to the supermarket by foot after grabbing my favorite cap.

After shopping for groceries, I walked back home, always keeping my head low.

When I thought I was home, I looked up from my shoes and noticed this mansion wasn't mine. I

grumbled. I was about to turn around but something caught my eyes.

On the big gate, there was a crest. A 'C' crest. I saw that on Edward's handcuff before. Is it

Edward's house? Wow. It's gigantic. Hell, there's a butler.

" Hello? Miss. May I help you?" he asked politely.

" Um... I'm Isabella Swan. Edward's girlfriend. " I don't even mow if thats still my place" I'm

looking for Edward, please. "

He nodded and gestured me inside. Inside the mansion was bigger and grander. Wow. He's like

a prince.

" Master Edward's room is on the third floor, the last one on your left." he said before retreating.

I walked slowly up stairs, admiring the pictures and photos of him and his parents. On the third

floor, I saw the first room on my right and a the door was opened slightly. I sneaked a pick and

saw many many photos, all of them was me and him. A room of me.

I gasped. I shook my head and continued walking down the corridor. And walked in Edward's

room without knocking. His back was facing me.


I flinched but ignored him. I ran across the room and hugged his waist.

He felt shocked and tensed. He turned around, facing me. I let my tears drop.

His face broke into a big smile and kissed me. He kissed away my tears and hugged me tightly.

" I'm sorry, Edward I'm sorry. " I said, wounding my arms around his neck.

" Oh it's okay, baby. I am sorry for shouting at you. " he murmured and kissed my hair.

He looked weak. Alice was right. He hadnt eat.

I frowned." Edward. Why hadn't you eat?"

" I missed you. I can't eat." he mumbled.

" Please eat." I practically begged. He nodded.

Before we walked down the stairs, I pointed at the photos room.

" What's that?" I asked.

His hands went into his messy hair and shrugged.

" we'll see that later." I narrowed my eyes.

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