Bella's POV
" Okay, the boys will follow Carlisle for Wedding Shopping 'cause I can't see your suits and the girls will follow me." Alice grinned, pacing around us.
" Wha-" Carlisle started to object.
" Okay! Let's go!" Alice squealed and we grumbled and stomped to my Volvo while the others took Emmet's jeep.
" Where too?" I asked, holding my GPS.
" Perrin Edwin's " Alice buckled her seatbelt beside me.
" What?" I asked in confusion.
" P-e-r-r-i-n E-d-w-i-n-s. " she said slowly. I rolled my eyes and typed it.
" Wow. This is my first time in your Volvo, Bella." Rosalie hugged the fluffy pillow behind.
" Yeah."
I took a left turn to a cute looking cottage and parked it." we are here."
" It's... Cute." Esme commented after she stepped outside.
We went in and were greeted my some assistants." welcome to Perrin Edwin's." They said in unison. We smiled a bit.
Then, a man that his blue hair was combed behind walked to us with hands open wide.
" Ah! ladies! What can I do for you?" He asked with a British tone.
" You must be Perrin." Alice smiled and shook his hand.
" Yes!"
" We are here for some wedding gowns." Alice said proudly.
" Hm... Drawing or Designed?" He touched his mustache.
" Um... What?" I asked and he laughed.
" Drawing is you can design it yourself and Designed is someone already designed it."
" We will choose Drawing." Rosalie grinned. Okay.
He lead us to a table and there is sheets on it with color pencils and pencils.
" You may start." He bowed politely and went away.
" I feel like 2 year old, thrown to the Child Care Center." I joked.
I took a paper that already had a body drawn on if and started thinking.
" Hm..." I would like it strapless.
I drew a bent line above the breast and thought again.
" Puffy, fluffy" I mumbled and drew circles above my feet and two long lines from my waist to the rounds.
" Wow, Bella. I like that." Rosalie peeked through my shoulder.
Then I remembered something.
" Alice! You are a designer. Lemme see!" I pushed her hands away and saw it.
" Wow." I stared at the paper.
" Be amazed!" Alice said sarcastically.
We laughed and went back to work.
Edward's POV
" how do I look?" Emmet posed in front of me, eyebrows wriggling.
" Strek called. He wants his face back." I teased. He rolled his eyes and went to ask Jasper
I turned around and saw Carlisle behind me." how is it?" I asked.
" Dashing son." He said, smiling weakly
" what's wrong, dad?" I asked as the others came.
" I never dreamt my boys are getting married so quick." He wiped a tear away.

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