Chp 51 Forgivness?

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Bella's POV

When we walked slowly to the living room, we only saw our parents but no Edward.

" Where is he? " Jasper asked Carlisle.

" After you guys went upstairs, he told us a small sorry and ran out." Carlisle tilted his head to us.

" Are you okay, sweetheart?" Esme asked me.

" I am fine, mom." I smiled. She nodded and went back to the television.

We watched a small comedy that night, secretly, my mind is telling me to wait for Edward to come


" Ah! I wanna sleep. Night squirt. Night guys." Emmett yawned and stretched is hands and legs.

" Like you haven't sleep in the entire movie!" Rosalie rolled her eyes. We laughed.

" What? We watched this like...what? The tenth time? " Emmett grumbled and went up.

" I am going to bed too. Night." I went over to kiss Carlisle and Esme on the cheek. They smiled

and I went up stairs alone without Edward.

I brushed my teeth and changed to my pjs. I tucked myself into bed and floated asleep.

" Bella. " a familiar voice called. " Bella!" he whispered.

I opened my eyes and sat up, alert. " Whose there?"

" Bella!"

I went to the window and crept over to the voice. Then a pair of hands pushed me back

and I fell to the wooden floor, groaning. Then I saw his face. Uncle Ben.

I screamed. " EDWARD!" he cupped my mouth tightly and I was suffocating. I couldn't breath.

I bit his hand and he tumbled, moaning in pain.

" EDWARD HELP ME EDWARD!" I yelled. " Oh he is not coming back. No one is here to save

you." He said in an evil voice.

" Bella!" someone shook me. " Bella!"

I snapped opened my eyes while pushing the hands away roughly. I yelped and trembled.

" Bella. It's okay." his cool arms wrapped around me. I was tangled around the sheets and I was


" Ben... He... He came back." I trembled.

" No, Bella. He is in jail. I am here. Sh..." I could felt his lips on my hair, fingers stroking my

shuddering arm.

" Edward. I am scared. " I cried.

" Sh... Sh... I am here. It's just a nightmare. Sh..." he rocked us back and forth.

" Don't leave me." I clutched his shirt.

" I'm not. Baby. I am here. I am not leaving you. " he mumbled. His fingers swapped across my

mouth by mistake and I pushed it away, squirming away from him.

" Bella. I am sorry. I am not going to hurt you. I am so sorry, Bella." he raced out for me again.

I curled myself into a ball and bit my nail. Alice is going to freak out. And going to drag me to

manicuring again.

He scooped me up again, ignoring my weak shoves I has given him.

" Bella? What's wrong?" I heard Emmett and Rosalie's voice. And my room opened to the bright

light as a pathway. I ducked across the shiny light and buried my head in Edward's chest.

" She's fine. Just a nightmare." Edward said. And some mumbles and the light disappear with the

door at a thud.

" Don't leave me." I mumbled again and looked up. I saw those... Pain enlarge in his eyes at me.

" I'm not." he whispered. I knew hurt him by crying in front of him but I couldn't help it.

" I am sorry, Bella. I shouldn't raise my voice at you. I am sorry, sweetheart." he murmured.

" It's okay. I just dont want you to yell at dad. It's rude." I bit my nail.

" Okay. I am sorry." he caught my fingers and smoothen it and kiss my fingertips and then my


Then there is an awkward silent.

" Where had you been? I waited for you!" anger boiled inside of me.

" I am sorry. I just went out for a fresh air at the club. " he kissed my head.

" Don't be angry at Emmett. He didn't mean it." I said in a small voice. He sighed.

" Okay. Though he had to payback."

I giggled." Okay."

" Wanna tell me your dream?" he asked. My giggling stopped.

" He came back." I whispered.

" He is not coming back, Bella. I am not going to let him touch you again. I swear." he said firmly.

I just nodded.

" Go to bath, Edward. You smell." I pushed him. He chuckled and stepped out.

" Can I come with you? I am scared." I bit my lips and clutched his hem of his shirt.

" Sure." he carried me to the bathroom and placed me on the counter.

He undressed himself and went in to the stand shower. I hugged my legs and tucked my chin

between my ankles as I waited for him.

" You gain your muscles." I said out loud.

" Really?

" Yeah!" after a few minutes, he came out.

" You still stink. Go inside." I demanded before he could wrapped his towel around his hips.

He groaned and went inside again. I hopped down from the counter and squeezed some

toothpaste on his toothbrush.

" You should really change your toothbrush." I muttered while handing it to him. He rolled his

eyes and brushed his teeth.

" Don't you dare roll your eyes at me, Edward Cullen." I warned.

" Sorry." his mouth was stuffed with paste. He spit it out and gurgled.

After that, he flexed his muscles at me. " Let's go Mr Muscle." I patted his shoulder and threw

him his pants.

He laid on my tummy while I scrubbed his hair dry with a clean towel.

" It's good now." I informed him and threw the towel away as he laid on the pillow.

I pulled the covers on us and murmured" Night."

" Night night." he pulled me to him. I giggled and stroke his cheek and fell asleep.




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