Chp 29 Plans

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Edward's POV

I hugged my fiancée tightly and kissed her hair as she kissed my neck.

" Thank you, Bella. Thank you." I breathed. She giggled.

I pulled back and slipped my grandmother's ring-which is now hers- on her finger.

" Wow. It fits perfectly. " Alice admired it. I grinned at Jasper Emmett, their turn now.

Emmett went over to Rosalie as Jasper held Alice's hand.

" Baby, stop admiring Bella's you are going to have yours, will you marry me?" Jasper kneeled in

front of her as Al gasped with the girls.

" Yes! A million time yes!" She shrieked and Jasper kissed her fingers and the ring.

Rosalie looked jealous but got over in a second. She sighed.

" I am happy for you guys," She smiled at Bella and Al.

" Rosie. Well, look like we are the only ones now. So, be my wife." Emmett. That was the most

simple proposal ever! It sucks deeply but Rosalie looks like she could do a victory dance and

nodded excitedly as Emmett put on her ring.

" We are ENGAGE!" the girls shrieked happily.

" Oh my god! I going insane here!" Bella squealed as she admired the ring. I chuckled and hugged

her, tucking her head under my chin.

Rosalie was at the corner, making out with Em.

"let's go down and spread the news!" Alice said cheery while grabbing Bella's hand and pulled

Rose off Em.

" We are engage, daddy!" I heard Bella yelled. I laughed.

His eyes widen. " When did it happen?" Esme asked.

" A few seconds ago! " Alice squealed and hopped around.

" All of you girls?"

They nodded excitedly.

" Well, I knew this day would come. Come here. I am so proud!" Esme reached out her hand and

we crashed into it.

Carlisle told his arm in front of his chest, serious.

" I will give you guys my blessing after the men have the' Talk' with me."

We groaned and hung our heads,

" Oh no, dad!" Jasper moaned.

" Oh yes." Carlisle grinned. I sighed. We had this talk when we found our girl and I can't believe I

am going to have this.

" What about theirs?!" Emmett asked, pointing at Bella.

" We already had that the week before, bucko." Bella smirked at us.

We sighed and slouched on the couch.

Carlisle sat opposite us, watching us carefully. Esme and the girls went to bake at the kitchen.

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