Chp 67 Dinner

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Bella's POV

" Edward!" I cried, crashing into his arms. It's so comfortable, laying in his muscular arms.

He buried his face in my hair, breathing my strawberry shampoo.

" They look like they haven't seen each other in decades." Emmett 'whispered' and Rosalie smacked his head.

" Shut up. You are ruining the moment." I glare at him. He made a face at me.

" I miss you, gorgeous." He breathed in my ear.

" Miss you too, handsome." I giggled softly.

" So... What color is your gown?" He asked playfully and Alice lunged on his back.

"No!" She screeched loudly and cupped his ears, straddling him. Edward stumbled back but managed to piggy back her.

" What's matter with your almost wife?!" I asked, irritated at Jasper. He shrugged.

" Alice!" Edward shook her off and Alice dropped to the floor." Oof!"

" Edward Cullen!" Esme scolded.

" I am sorry, Alice. " Edward helped Al up politely.

" Edward Cullen! This is designer!"

Alice yelped at her jacket.

" Like you will wear it again!" Rosalie mumbled sarcastically. I high fived her.

" Alice, go change and be down here in 5 minutes. Guys, have your wallets stuffed with green colored papers. We are going out for dinner. " Carlisle grinned evilly at us.

We groaned. " What? Not again!"

" It's only fair and who is the last? Last time?" Esme asked.

" Emmet." We snickered. Emmett made a face at us and moaned" my wallet I empty thanks to Jasper and Bella who ordered two Caviare and 4 lobsters and mini squirt for desserts! I mean, who can they do this? This is so not fair!" Emmett blabbered on.

I rolled my eyes and kissed Edward. My background is only Emmett rambling and rambling.

"Shut up!" Rosalie smacked his head again. We pulled back and hopped in Jasper's Camaro.

You are confused right? About the whole have your wallets stuffed with green papers and all of that. We had a Cullen Dinner which we hated every time. It's like... We- argh. I will tell you later.

" I hate this restaurant." Edward muttered as Jasper parked the car beside Carlisle's Austin.

" No one cares." Emmett said.

" Hey. Don't be rude to him." I warned him.

" Oooh. Scary!" Emmett rolled his eyes and went out. I sighed and hopped out too.

" One Aglio Olio please." I smiled at the me waiter. He grinned wider at me and asked" Drink, Miss?" He asked sexily.

" Um... I'll have a mango smoothie. What about you, Edward?" I turned to Edward who was glaring at the waiter

" One penne pasta with mushroom sauce. Coke." Edward snapped.

The waiter nodded, scared at scurried away. " What's wrong with you? That's so impolite. " Rosalie groaned at Edward.

"He is flirting with Bella, Rosalie!" Edward argued.

"Jealous." Jasper mumbled.

" So?" Edward challenged.

" Guys just shut up! This is public!" I hissed. Emmett was about to argue back but Alice shot him a glare.

" Children, phones." Esme handed out her hands. We looked away innocently.

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