Bella's POV
I looked at the big clock and it shows 7:00 .
" Dear readers, the library is closing please come back tomorrow." the loud speaker said.
I snapped my book shut and got up from the bench. I pick up my bag and side wore it.
I walked slowly to the exit, surprised to find Edward's car hadn't come. He's always early. Must
be comin now. I thought. I sat on the stairs waiting him.
After some minutes, all of the readers came out and some librarians walked away but Edward
hadn't come.
" Bella?" A rough voice called.
I twisted my head and saw Jake beside the exit, closing and locking the door.
" Hey. What are you doing here?" I smiled.
" I am a librarian." he grinned, I nodded.
" Alone?"
" Yeah. Waiting for Edward." I stared at him as he sat down beside me.
" You know that Cullen guy-" he started.
" Which one?" I teased him. Of course I knew the answer,
" Edward." he grinned and continued. " I don't like him."
" That's not really your business but, why do you dislike him?" I asked, curious.
He shrugged.
" you know that's not an answer, Jake."
" fine. I am not going to tell you though. " he smirked.
" Fine. You little brat." I bumped him with my shoulder playfully.
" you once dated a brat before. " he pointed out.
" true,"
" So, engaged huh?"
" yeah. Actually, it didn't change anything. It just changed our status." I said. He looked at me,
" Edward and I lived together for 2 years after my parents died. My girlfriends is My fiancé's
brothers's fiancé. So we all lived together and Edward's parents adopted me. We are a big happy
family! " laughed.
" Fuck. That's confusing." he frowned.
" You still curse huh?"
" you did too." he grinned at me,
" Rarely. " it's was getting really dark.
" Wanna play the Maths game?" he winked at me.
I hung head. " I hate that game!" Jacob invented that game when we were dating and it was kinda
" 3"
" 9"
" 1" I started the game.
"fuck you.2"
I laughed it was getting really childish. I leaned my head on his shoulder.
" I miss you so much, Belle." he whispered.
I didn't answer.
"how come I didn't see Victoria?" i asked, changing the topic.
" we broke up." Jake left me because of Victoria. Yeah. Again. One of my ex.
" Fuck Cullen. It's 8:00 and he forgets you?" he cursed loudly.
" Don't say that. Edward is sweet." I cuddled my head closer.
He wrapped his arms around me.
" Bella!" I heard a velvety voice called. A black volvo stopped in front of us and Edward got out.
" Sorry, baby. I fell asleep." he apologized, helping me up.
" It's okay, Edward."
" You better don't be late again. Cullen. I will steal Bella next time. " What's wrong with
Edward let go off me and I stumbled beside the door.
Edward grabbed his color, lifting him up.
" Say that again." he growled.
" Edward!" I grabbed his arm pulling him down.
" Edward. Look at me. Sh...." I went in front of him went I knew his strength was to hard to defeat.
I cupped his head, knowing his temper when someone lash at him.
His eyes soften and let Jacob down.
" Let's go Edward. Bye Jake." I pushed Edward. Jacob glared at us as we drove away.
It was a quiet ride. suddenly, Edward shifted his car to a side.
" Are you angry at me, Bella? " he asked, afraid.
" No. I am not." I said gently.
" Then why are you acting like you are angry at me?" he asked, voice getting louder.
" Edward! I am not angry at you! " I looked at him. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of
his nose.
I touch his hand gently. " Don't be angry." I whispered.
He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He kissed my forehead.
" I just don't want anybody to insult my baby." he breathed.
" Thank you, Edward. I love you." I smiled.
" I love you too sweetie. Now let's get back. They ordered pizza. " he started driving.
" didn't we just eat two hour ago?" I asked.
" we get hungry. " Edward rolled his eyes. I am glad the sweet, goofy Edward is back.m
" yeah after two plates of fried rice, three sunny side up eggs, one milkshake and an ice cream for
dessert. Oh and how many toppings?" I teased him.
" four." he huffed but couldn't hide a grin.
I laughed as we walked to the apartment.
We walked I the room hand in hand. Edward mouth opened in agape when there's no pizza left
for him.
" Sorry." Emmett and Jasper apologized. Emmett licked his thumb that was covered in cheese.
Edward whined like a baby.
" Dont worry, baby. I will call one more." I comforted him and pulled out my phone.
Edward did a victory dance beside me and blowed raspberry at the boys.
Well... The night ended... With pizza.

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