Chp 32 Rebels.

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Bella's POV

We were alone in our apartment after the rest of the gang went to play Paintball.

" Baby. We are alone." Edward said lustfully.

" Uh-huh. I nodded and kissed him.

He kissed me back. Not breaking the kiss, he cradled me into the boy's room.


He crawled on top of me and untied my dress and threw it to a direction that I don't care.

He unhooked my bra and his lips went back to mine. I unbuttoned his shirt and he shrugged out

of it.

He cupped my breast and moaned. " God, you are going to murder me."

I giggled and pushed his trousers to his knees where he handed it himself.

He stripped ,my undergarments off and bowed his head to lick my part. I moaned.

" Oh! Ah, Edward."

He came back to me and caused his friend to came in. I whimpered.

" Sorry, baby. I am so sorry." he hugged me.

" Just... Let me adjust. " I choked out and squirmed. Then flashbacks. Flashbacks of Ben raping



I cringed and shoved Edward. He was shocked and quickly parted away.

I curled myself into a ball protectively and whimpered.

Edward immediately got it and pulled covers over my naked body.

" Bella. Baby, I am so sorry. " he apologized without touching me. He dressed himself. He was

about to pick me up but I flinched away from his hands.

" It's me, Bella. Edward. I am not going to hurt you. Please, Bella." he nearly died from my pain.

My head between my knees, I cried.

I could feel him picking me up and cradled me in his protective arms.

" That son of a motherfucker." he cursed and growled angrily.

I whimpered and he cooed me, soothed me.

" I- am... Sor...Ry, Edward. I didn't mean to..." I choked put the words.

" Sh... Baby. It's not your fault. "

I looked up and saw pain, worry and anger enlarged in his eyes.

I hurt him, I hurt Edward.

" Sh... Baby. You didn't hurt me, love."

I said that out loud, didn't I?

I had to get over this. I got up from Edward's arms and dressed myself from shakey fingers.

" Don't... Tell anyone, okay?" I practically begged. He smiled and nodded just as the door was

Opened widely.

" Bellykins and Eddieboo! We are back!"

" That's Emmett." I sighed.

Rosalie flicked on the radio and Lady Gaga's song came out.


GAGA OOHLALA BAD ROMANCE!" Emmett started singing loudly.

" SHUT UP!" Ali screamed.

" I am going out for some fresh air." I announced, snatching my keys and walked out of the


I founded a bench outside the Uni park and buried my head in my hands.

" Bella? " a silky voice called out.

" Hey. Why are you out here?" I asked her, as she sat beside me.

" Accompany you and getting out of Em's hollers. " she laughed a bit.

" What's wrong? " she asked, serious.

" Dont even think about lying, Isabella. I knew you when we were infants." Rosalie warned.

" Yeah. That annoying bitch who irritates me when I don't know go to play piano when we were

3years old. " I laughed. She joined me,

" So, what's wrong?"

I sighed. " Edward and I was about to have sex but I had flashbacks of the rape. And I stopped. I

pushed him away from my glass box, Rose. I saw pain in his eyes, I am pushing him away. I am

hurting him all along from the rape day and I didn't know."

Rose hugged me. I continued talking as she let me. We stared at the bright white moon and I

poured out my feelings to her.

" Bella. You are not pushing him away. He's hurt to see you in pain, darling. It's not your fault that

you were raped. " she hugged me, rocking us.

" I know. But deep in his heart, I am hurting him."

" Hurting is ego alright." she chuckled. I looked at her.

" I just found out that when the Cullen men had their egos bruised, they can't face the reality,

world or anything." Rosalie explained.

" The Cullen men is..." I pushed my lips together.

" Funny "

" Cute."

" Caring."

" Protective morons." we laughed as she rolled her eyes.

" and I think they have inherited some of their ancestors's genes, man! They all looked hot!" we

laughed together loudly.

" We should find out how handsome their grandfathers look." Rosalie giggled.

" It's a gift that we had found them together." I smiled.

" indeed." she nodded.

I checked my phone.

" Come on, it's late." We stood up, stretching.

" Rose! Bella!" Alice screamed as she jumped on as when we got in.

" Woah! What's wrong?" I laughed.

" Emmett and the boys kept torturing me with they ' pretty voices'!"

I glared at Edward who gave me an innocent look.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

" Well, Rose and I Just came back and we wanted to hear it." I said smugly.

" Enlighten us." Rose added.

They started singing Eminem's raping.

" GOSH, IT SUCKS," I yelled over their screaming.

The girls nodded and we cupped our ears.

Well, al our nights was like this, screaming, pillow fights.

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