Chp 91 I'm just another girl.

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Bella's POV

The night with Edward was awesome then never. I love him. I still don't know how he found the rings though.

" Edward?" I asked softly and he hummed in responded and played with my hair.

" How did you find the rings? I thought you lost it." I turned around, facing him. The sheets tangled around our naked body and he smiled at me.

" Jasper caught it after you left us. He gave it back." he smiled smugly and kissed my cheek.

" Oh. So what happen when you knocked up, Bri Bri?" I asked playfully and he made a face. " I didn't have sex with her. Really. After you were gone, Emmet... I think, yelled at her and she ran away. Then we came home. The bed is so cold without its mistress on it." he pouted at the end and I laughed, kissing his bottom lip quickly.

" Okay, I believe you." and there's a silent. He continued playing my hair and I snuggled in his chest. " So what happens now?" he asked quietly. " We enjoy our husband and wife life." I giggled. " until my danger magnet princess get something up." he teased and I scowled at him but sighed in defeat. " Yeah. I got some feeling something is going to me." I muttered sadly. Edward was about to speak but I shushed him and got up. " I need a shower. " I announced and hopped away.

" Can I come?" he asked.

I turned around and smirked seductively at him. " In your dreams, Mr Cullen." he groaned and buried his head in the pillows. I laughed and snatched my towel from the counter and went in the fully loaded tub.

I closed my eyes and leaned back as the strawberry foam eat me. Then, some water splashed softly and hit me. Without opening my eyes, I mumbled. " I said in your dreams."

" I know. I'm sleep walking now. Don't worry." he laughed and I felt his legs tangled with mine as he sat opposite me. " You molested me in your dreams and real life last year." I reminded him and he groaned. " I didn't. I only dreamed I molested you in my dreams but I only grope your breast. That's all! That's so not molesting."

" yes it is. Wait until I tell Emmet." I threatened. He groaned again and said nothing. We made out in the tub and my fingers started to wrinkle. " Ugh." I got up and took my towel, scratching my head after wiping my body then wrapped myself. I stared at Edward's masculine body with 6 pacs on it. His biceps flexed once in a while.

" Dont eye rap me, Isabella." he growled teasingly. I snapped my eyes to his face and poked my tongue at him. " I can perv my husband anytime I want!" he narrowed his eyes on me and snarled. He stood up, snatching the towel from my body and I caught me before I fell flat on my face. " Damn it, Cullen! I almost fell!" I hit him. " But I caught you. " he smirked and placed a kiss in my lips. " So I can perv my wife anytime I want. "

I rolled my eyes and squirmed away from his hot body and sneaked to the closet.

" G' morning." I greeted the family and hopped on the couch.

Emmet scoffed. " It's afternoon. Your sex ate your breakfast." I blushed furiously and glared at him. " No, Emmet ate our breakfast." I argued and it's time for him to flush and we roared in laughter.

The day was new for both of us after our massive fight and it went better then I expected.

Suddenly, Edward grabbed his keys and tugged me. " I'm taking you our for a date," he said." Husband and wife don't date." I stated. He shrugged. " Yes they do," after a few childish arguments, we left the Cullen territory.

" Really, Edward?" I snorted. He smiled slickly at me and left me for the tickets while I stare at the Sleeping Beauty's poster. " Gosh it's so ironic." I muttered and joined him.

" Um... I like the way Prince Charming met her." I smiled in the dark.

" I love the way we met each other." he grinned and pulled us together. " True. It's romantic." I giggled and stole his popcorns. He whined for a while but shut up when I glared at him.

" Don't change the colors! Stupid fair godmothers! I love blue for dresses!" I groaned. Edward chuckled beside me and kissed my head adoringly.

" I love happy endings..." I smiled as we walked out of the cinema. He opened ,y door and I hopped in. He started the engine and murmured. " But you don't believe them."

" Yeah." I sighed.

Sorry for the short chappie. I'm leaving for school now, I trust you, the next will be exciting.

I plot it all. ;D

Dedicating to Twilight_Girl for following me. Thanks gurl.

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