Chp 53 SHOPPING TIME - Alice

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Bella's POV

" Oh no." I muttered and turned around and buried my head in Edward's arm.

" what's wrong?" he asked.

" Look at your sister." I mumbled.

" Which one?" he chuckled and looked around at the both of them.

" The shopaholic one, moron." I rolled my eyes.

" Ah. What's wrong with Al?" he asked.

" You are such an idiot. Look at the sparkle in her eyes!" I looked up.

" And what?" he asked slowly, moronic.

" She wants to go shopping" I felt like talking to a five year old.

Before Edward could say anything, Alice jumped up.

" SHOPPING TIME!!!! " Alice yelled.

Me and Rose groaned. " Since when do you hate shopping?" I tilted my head to her lazily.

" Since I knew I have to shop with Al." she moaned.

" Oh c'mon! It's for wedding!"

" Alice! Our wedding is like one year later!" I said.

She pouted.

" Alice! Please!" Emmett begged her. Carlisle busted the room.

"Ladies, your surprise is here." he said romantically.

We squealed and I jumped out of Edward's arms and ran passed Carlisle.

Rosalie, Al and I raced to the living room.

" Where is it?" Rose asked frantically.

Carlisle chuckled beside us. " It's too big to fit in."

We squealed louder and the boys rushed down.

We ran out to the car porch and very very very very very surprised to find a blood red new Volvo

on the porch with a bright yellow Porsche and a midnight blue Austin!

" Oh my god! Oh my god! It's my new car!" I hopped up and down happily.

" Ahh!!!!!!!" Rosalie screamed

We went over and hugged Carlisle.

" Thank you thank you thank you!" We said.

" You welcome, princesses." he chuckled.

We jumped out and went to our cars.

" my Austin Martini MV 15! " Rosalie squealed.

" Porsche. My. Porsche." Al breathed.

" This Volvo is darn mine." I grinned and stroke my new car's bonnet

" Where's ours, daddy?" Emmett asked excitedly.

" There's no yours, buddies." Carlisle said.

" what?" their face fell to the bottom.

" Oh come here, Edward." I reached for the sad looking puppy.

He smiled and went over to me.

" Volvo, really?" he asked.

" YEah. To match my fiancee's one." I cuddled beside him. He chuckled and told me to hop in.

I did as I told and he took a picture of me sitting on the rooftop of the car, smiling.

He handed me his phone and I posted my picture in his Instagram account, writing.

Bella's new car! Bought Volvo to match mine. #New#Volvo#Blood#Red#Matching.

And I posted the picture.

He laughed and I slid the phone back to his pocket and gave him a long kiss.

He sighed went I pulled back," I will give you more." I grinned.

" Babe?" I shook him slightly.

" Oh I felt in love with your car!" he sang and reached out his hand to my car.

" Oh you better not, Edward Cullen!" I warned and stomped to him. He hugged my car.

" Edward Cullen!" I growled.

" Okay. Enough for a day." he jumped back to me. I sighed.

" Children! It's getting cold! Come in!i got hot cocoa!"

We 'yay' a little and went in.

"Ew. It's almost snowing." I curled into a ball and sticking out my hands for the hot cocoa on the


Emmett groaned. " Who doesn't like snow? Snow is amazing! "

" Well, I don't." I took a sip.

" Mission for the year, well, end of the year. Make Bella loves snow. " Emmett raised his hand.

" as much as possible." Jasper added. I grimaced.

" Can we make the wedding date closer?" Rose asked suddenly.

We turned to her.

" Yeah, I mean. I want to wear my dress sooner, go on honeymoon, Isle Sunset.. And whatever.

I want to be Edward's wife. Officially." I said firmly.

Edward smiled warmly beside me.

" Sure. What about you guys?" Esme asked the rest.

" I am okay." they shrugged.

" Yes!" I kissed Edward's cheek. He smiled and hugged me.

" Spring would be great!" Alice giggled.

" Yeah." Emmett stuck his eyes at the television show.

" Great! " Esme scribbled down.

" I am so going to be your wife soon." I giggled. Edward laughed and kissed me.

" I love you." I whispered.

" I love you more." he kissed my nose.

" Nu-uh! I love you most." I smiled. He narrowed his eyes playfully at me and laughed.

We cuddled together.

After some minutes, I looked around and saw everyone but Carlisle.

" Where is dad?" I asked,

" He just called for an emergency, darling. You are too obsessed with Edward." Esme smiled at us.

I blushed and nodded.

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