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Bella's POV

It's late at night. I woke up by the rustling noises behind the door. Groggily, I propped my self up with the elbow on my pillow and felt the sheet is damp from my tears. I awoke alone without Edward.

Heading to the door, I tripped on my own food in my Bella-way and managed to limp to the door. Before I could touched the doorknob, a figure banged in, hand holding a hammer.

Oh my god.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I took a deep breath again and screamed before he clamped my mouth with his hands quickly. I bit his palm angrily and he cursed. " Shit! Bella! It's me!"

Breathing in a sigh of relief, I glared at him As he flicked open the lights, examining his cut I had decorate on his wrist. " Fuck. Emmet! What the hell? It's... 2 in the morning!" I groaned. He sat on my bed and I turned around, facing him.

" Bella. You locked the door. I had to bang down it so I could make sure you're safe and don't do anything reckless." he murmured sadly. " Like what?" I laughed hysterically. " suicide? I would love that! But God forbid me! " I cried.

He grabbed my shoulders and my angry tears ran out. " Calm down. "

" Calm down? Would you calm down if your son died?" I asked, furious. He sighed and dropped his arms, rubbing his face.

" Bella. Isabella. I want the old Bella back. The one who blushes. The one who laughed and smacked me everytime I bust in your room. I dont want the sad Bella. " he muttered. " Oh, I'm sorry. But she's gone! " I cried again. " No she's not." he glared at me. " She's inside you. I know your son's death is unbearable, Isabella. But you need to let go! You have to learn to let go!" he shouted loud enough for the whole room to hear. I dropped to the floor, head in my hands.

" I wish, Emmet. I wish I could. Believe me. I want to let go, Emmet but he's my flesh! He's gone! My baby's gone... I want to let it damn go, Emmet." I broke into tears and he slid down from the bed and wrapped his bulky arms around me. Big men are so huggable.

" Edward is downstairs, living room's couch. You might want to see him. " he said quietly after some minutes. I nodded stiffly and got up to my feet, dragging them downstairs. His bronze hair messy on the pillow.

" Edward?" I shook him slightly and he groaned, turning around to me. " C'mon, let's go upstairs." I said and pulled him up gently, dragging him across the living room to our room. He's still asleep as I dragged him, I guess.

Pulling his shirt off for washing, he moaned and pushed my hands down. " No! No... I... I have... A ... Wife. No..." he mumbled. I stiffed a giggle and said." okay. Go to sleep sweetheart. Mommy's here." I kissed his forehead and went to the other side of the bed, laying next to a smiling Edward.

" Momma, Eddie loves you." he mumbled again before my eyes snapped shut. My eye widen at Emmet's nickname to him and clamped my hand over my mouth before I could laugh out loud.

" Eddie loves you, mommy. But... Eddie loves Bella... Too." he mumbled and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me. " Momma knows, go to sleep sweetie." I giggled and snuggled in his chest. " Good girl." he muttered again before patting my head and I couldn't care less. I'm in my happy place with Edward... Maybe without the baby, I could still live.

" Night night, mommy. Night night, Belly." he mumbled and I felt his lips on my head. Wishing I could laugh out loud, I bit my upper lip and went to sleep before bursting my laughter out.

" Good night, Eddie." I murmured and let my slumber took over me.


" Bella, dear. We're going shopping. Want to come?" Esme asked me and I shook my head, frowning. She smiled and we waved goodbye, leaving me with the boys." So... What do want to do?" Emmet asked awkwardly. Wow this is the first time. He never acted awkward. " Let's play hide-and-seek." I suggested. " Cool. Upstairs or downstairs?" Jasper shrugged.

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