Chp 96 'Fine'

838 35 16

Bella's POV

" shut up, Edward. This is my freedom. I hadn't walk in years! Just shut up!" I growled at the blackness and they laughed." Yeah, boy. Shut up." Jasper snickered and I heard shoving.

" Where's the door?" I asked. Someone took my hands and leaded me. " Oww!" I hit head with something hard. " oops! Sorry!" Rose apologized and rubbed my forehead.I heard someone sigh and then my feet had been lifted. " Edward Cullen! I demand you to let me down!" I growled. " you don't even know where's the exit." He chuckled darkly. " the others will tell me." I said smugly." No we won't." Esme laughed along with everyone.

I grumbled and then he let me on my feet. " Sunglasses." Alice handed me a glasses and I put it on. She sighed and helped me as I put upside down.

" Ready?" Emmet said, with a smile on his voice. " Bella, I thin-" Edward started and I glared at no one. " shut up."" 1,2,3!" Jasper yelled and we ran outside with Edward and Alice hold my hand as we ran. I heard shouting and cameras snapping." Bella! Here!" Edward hollered and I tried to follow his voice but I bumped into the trunk of the car. Alice gasped and leaded me inside." She's blind!" Someone gasped.

I bit my lip in failure and someone closed the door. " I shoulda let Edward carried me." I sighed. They laughed and I smile. " Edward?" I asked. " Here." He hold my hand and placed it on my lap. I turned to the direction and leaned to him.

" Shit." I mumbled and let go of the cup. " Bella? What are you drinking?" I heard Esme's voice getting louder. " Um... Lemonade?" I chuckled nervously. " oh Bella!" She cried and I heard thousands of footsteps. " Is she hurt?" Someone asked.

" No! You are not drinking lemonade! You are drinking Carlisle's Jack Daniel! " she laughed and everyone laughed loudly. I must be blushing crimson." Oh Bella. Go brush your teeth. The alcohol is still in your breath." Jasper chuckled and my face heated again. " Edward? Help me." I squeaked out he lifted me off my feet to the bathroom.

Edward's POV

I woke up by the sounds of groaning. Rubbing my eyes, it adjusted with the darkness and I saw a figure on the bathroom's floor. " Bella!" I ran to the bathroom and lifted her up.

She groaned and gripped on my shirt." I'm sorry." She said quietly as I laid her on bed. " Why don't you wake me up?" I asked softly. " I don't want to burden you anymore." She said, head lowing. I grabbed her chin and caressed her face." you're not burdening me, or anyone at all. It's okay. Wake me up every time you need me, okay?" I kissed her head and laid down, letting her on my chest." thank you, Edward. Night." She said after leaving goosebumps on me by her kiss on the chest. " night, baby." I hold her tight, never letting go again.

'Clank clank.'

A disturbing noise woke me up, again. Groaning, I turned my head to Bella but she's not there." Oh shit." I mumbled and scrambled to the bathroom. No sign of her. I ran down the stairs to the living room. Oh god. Where are you?Then, some whimpering sounds came from the kitchen and I swear, it have to be Bella.

Dashing to there, I found Bella curled into a ball in a corner of the kitchen, glass shattering beside her and pots tumbling.

" Bella." I sighed and carefully took a step to her, thanks to my fluffy shoes, I'm safe from the glasses. She heard me and whimpered, shuddering. I went to her and touch her face. Se cringed and flinched away." Bella, it's me. It's Edward." I said softly and she peered up from her messy hair and launched herself to me, wrapping her hands tightly around my neck.

" Edward!" She gasped and started sobbing. " Shhh... It's okay. I'm here." I stroke her back an lifted her to the counter where there is glass free. Her legs wounded my waist and didn't let to of me when I placed her on top.

" What's wrong?" I asked after a few minutes of sniffing. " I'm-I'm thirsty so-so I came down f-for water. I heard a s-sound and got scared. I...I couldn't see! Edward! " she cried. " Shhh... Baby. I'm here. I'll be your eyes. Wake me up." I hugged her again." I'm going to clean the glasses up, okay? Sit here. I'll go-" she cut me off. " don't leave, please." She whimpered. " I'm not. I'll just get the broom, okay? I'll be here." I rushed quickly to the broom hanger and went back to touch her hand.

" Let's go upstairs." I smiled and lifted her up, ascending to our room. " Wake me up, when you need something." I kissed her forehead and she clutched on my arm. I gently pulled away from her and took her in my arms.

" I'm blind forever, aren't I?" she asked silently. " no, Bella. It's just temporary, you'll get better. " I vowed firmly. " no, Edward, you can't know that." she shook her head stubbornly. I chuckled lightly and brushed her hair." I got degree in medicals, love." I reminded her and she sighed. " I'm useless." she mumbled and I shook my head although she cant see." no you arent, you are everything to me. Everything. My Bella just more fragile." I said softly and pulls her closer.

She left goosebumps on my body after kissing my chest and snuggled in. " It's so dark, Edward. I cant see anything. I'm, scared." she started sobbing. "oh hush, Bella. I told you I'm your eyes, didn't I?" she sniffed and nodded.

" but... But I can't see you anymore... I miss you. I miss your crooked smile." I sighed and stroke her hair, " you will see again, I promise." I closed my eyes and pressed my chin to her head. " I'm sorry, Edward. For everything. You have a blind wife who can't bear any babies for you. Now you had to take care of her." she said quietly. " no, Bella." I said sternly. " I'll be more glad to take care of you. I'm blessed to have you, no matter what sickness you're in. So please. Don't feel guilty. "

She nodded in my chest and drifted to slumber. I tucked her heand under my chin after pressing a kiss on her head. You are just fragile, my Bella.

Hey guys,

Some of you asked me how old am I and I just answered " sorry. I can't answer that question :)." well, I'm telling you guys now. It's 12. Yeah. I'm twelve years old. :D.


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