Chp 56 Somebody got MAIL-Jazz

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Bella's POV

It's been a tired-ing week for the Cullen family of what i had caused. But they claimed that it was

fine. Sigh.

I am awake now , but still closing my eyes. Adjusting the firing lights as it burns my eyelids.

" Baby. I knew you are awake now." Edward kissed my shoulder.

" And?" I yawned.

" nothing." I could sense him smiling on my skin. I shoved him and rolled over to his side and

opened my eyes to stare at the green pools.

" You are so beautiful." he breathed.

" I know." I teased and laid in his chest as he played with my hair.

Then the telecom rang.

" Breakfast in an hour, kids." Esme called.


I got up from his embrace and turned around to crawl on him. " It had been years since I kissed


I bent over and kissed him like theres no tomorrow.

His arm curled on my back and another on my head.

" I love you, Isabella." he gasped when we finished making out.

I giggled " Love you too."

" I love it when you wear my shirt." he played with my hair.

" I love it when you play with my hair." I teased back. He chuckled. I am wearing his sleeves shirt,

real big. And nothing else.

" You tempt me so much." he whispered.

" I am glad." I murmured in his ear.

" Now lets get up, big baby." I pulled him. He groaned.

" what day is today?" he asked lazily.

" Friday." I answered simply and fished out my undergarments.

" Can I come in with you?" he asked sweetly.

" Sure." he followed me in the bathroom. I stripped off his shirt and dumped it on the hamper.

He did the same and wrapped his arms around me, no letting me to wear any clothes.

He smelled in my aroma on my shoulder.

" What are you doing, Mr Cullen?" I asked playfully.

" Helping this beautiful lady to undress herself." he breathed, letting me shudder.

" I know how to undress myself." I said, shaking with his coldness.

" You like it better with me helping." he grinned and pushed my pantie to my knees.

" Get your nasty hands off my goodies." I hissed at where he was touching.

" Yes, ma'am!" he saluted and undress himself. I laughed and clasped my bra.

I skipped out of the bathroom and went to chose my clothes. I grabbed the pale blue mini dress

bad pulled my hair into a ponytail and put some lipgloss on.

Edward whistled at me and went to choose his clothes. I rolled my eyes and stepped in my heels.

" You are a hot mama." he whispered in my ear, teeth grazing my earlobe. I giggled and kiss him.

" Let's go." I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs together.

" Woah! Look like someone is smoking got today!" Emmett yelled when we reached the table.

Rose glared at him and he shut up.

" Haha. Thanks." I said sarcastically.

" We got mail!" Jasper hollered and sat beside Rose with a stack of mail in his laps.

" Fan mail, fan mail, fan mai- how in the world does they know our address?" he asked in disgust.

" Paps." we all said in unison.

" Anyway. Fan mail, fan mail, fan-holy shit!" he yelled and Esme glared at him. "sorry."

" We got a special mail today!" he announced and handed a blue envelope upwards.

" And the lucky person is... Our Isabella Cullen!" he threw me the envelope with a smirk.

I caught it before it could landed on my soup.

" Thanks, jazz." I said sarcastically as everyone leaned in when I peeled of the paper.

" Read out loud unless it's a love letter." Emmett grinned and Edward glared at him.

" Dearest Isabella Cullen, I am honored to invite you for a photo shoot on 1 December 2013 to 5

December 2013 in Arizona for your album . Your makeup artist will be me and the photo crew

is already ready. Please show up on 1 Dec in Airport Airlines. and we were sorry to inform you

that you can't bring anyone to the PhotoShoot.

Signed, Marilou Bulerts. " I read out loud.

" Wow." Alice gasped

" Wow." I mimicked her.

" You will be leaving in... 14 days." Emmett gulped and stared at my hands.

" Congrats, sister!" Rosalie shoved me playfully. I grinned. They congrated me with a big smile


But Edward was into shock.

" Yo, bro." Jasper punched him in his chest.

" Hello? EARTH TO EDWARD." Rosalie yelled. He blinked and went back to normal.

" I am going to be Bella-less in 14 days and more on 5 days?" he squeaked out.

" Oh." I breathed out.

" Edward. Don't worry." I hugged me.

" How can I don't worry? "I am sorry to inform you that you cabt bring anyone to the Photoshoot" is a big thing! " he mumbled.

I frowned.

" I will call back, emails, texts anything, Edward! I will miss you." I sniffed,

" Now come on don't get to emotional. " Esme handed out the soups, we pulled back, sighing.

Edward pouted and gave me a small smile, I grinned back.


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