Chp 20 Saying it HURT

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Bella's POV

" can we have a family meeting?" I asked Esme.

She smiled softly at me " Of course, dear. Let me go and get Carlisle."

She sold up and walked fast to upstairs. I heard a doer creaked open.

Edward walked to us, " Bella. What happened?" everyone turned their heads to us.

" You will know it... Later." I said. Emmett nodded.

Then we all gathered in the living room.

I held Alice's hand, tightly.

I started my story.

" Uncle Ben is our family friend," I shuddered a this name," the day I was adopted to the Swan

family...Ben visited. Alice and our parents when for groceries and left me and Ben home alone."

I took a deep breath." He raped me."

Everyone gasped. I hold back my tears.

" I told my parents but they didn't believe me! They think we are playing. And then, Uncle Ben

found out I told them and he beat me. I told Alice then." Alice hugged my shoulder.

Esme looked pain.

" Alice believed in me. I felt grateful for that. He would rape me when our parents aren't home

and threatened me not to breathe a word about it. Of course, I did not tell him that Al knows. "

" I-I don't know what to do now." I started sobbing. They all took turns hug me an murmured

" I'm sorry."

" Dont worry, Bells. I will protect you." Emmett puffed out his chest.

" We all will." Jasper added. Carlisle smiled fatherly at me.

" Okay. Enough with the heavy. I baked apple pie for dinner! " Esme announced and everyone


We loved Esme's pies! It's so yummy.

Soon, I forgot about the rape and fell asleep.



I'm sorry if it's to short guys!

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