Chp 23 Lets CHEAT! - Emmett

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Bella's POV

When we reached the Uni's territory, teenagers were playing footballs, laughing, chatting, singing

and playing.

" Look, guys, I know this is going to be hard for celebrities to appear in public every single day but

let's just live with it okay? We just have bodyguards by our side only. Dont care what the students

are thinking, drooling over us. Let's just act like normal kids. " I said when the limo stops.

" talking about lunatics." Emmett groaned as the students came running to the car, scrapping

the limo.

" Hey! That's new!" Carlisle moaned when a finger scratch was on the window.

We sighed. Our car driver stepped out if the car and opened the door for us. Ear piercing cries

busted my ear drums.

We took a deep breath. " Here we goes." Rosalie muttered and stepped out.

I was followed by Edward.

Our bodyguards covered us as we ran to the sign where it shows ' Head.'

While running, we could see the lockers full of my singing posters. Oh no.

We rushed into the head's room, gasping for breath.

I pulled out my inhaler and breathed in deeply. Edward rubbed my back smoothly.

Then the headmaster gasped " It's Isabella!"

Oh no. Even the head was my fan, I'm gonna suicide. We turned around and saw a plump looking

Man, wearing a blue tie and glasses with a shocked expression.

" Hello." Carlisle greeted and sat down on the small couch.

Esme joined him.

" H-hello." The head mouth open in agape as he greeted us. Yeah. I bet his mind was thinking

' A family full of popularities!' and screamed in his head.

" I'm Carlisle Cullen and this is my wife, Esme. Introduce yourself, children." Carlisle smiled at


" I'm Jasper Dale Withlock Cullen, sire." Jasper's first.

" Rosalie Lilian Hale Cullen, Mr Greene. " she said as she looked at the name tag.

" I'm Emmett McCarty Rudy Cullen!" Emmett grinned.

" I am Isabella Marie Swan Cullen." I smiled sweetly.

" Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Edward smiled politely.

" I am Alice Mary Swan Cullen!"

Carlisle rolled his eyes. He hated it when we showed off with our long names.

" Long." Mr Greene mumbled.

" they are here to enrol in High School, sir." Carlisle said.

" Of course, here is some IQ questions you have to answer so we can sub you to classes. " he

handed us a clip of papers. Ugh.

" Inside." He pushed open a door beside the entrance and there was a long table.

We each sat on a long stool and begun our test.

I think the head got bored of the quiet time and walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

" French. NO.15" i said.

" I chose B." Jasper glued his eyes to the paper.

" Math 5(2)?" Al asked.

" 8.A79te172. " Edward, the math genius answered.

" What the hell is GST?" Emmett asked.

" Answer is..." I flipped to the last page." George Saint."

" Isn't that Saint George?" Rosalie asked.

" Who cares? It's a name!" Emmett scribbled.

" What is your favorite quot?" Edward asked out loud.

I grinned. I wrote, you saw my face not my history. You saw my tears not my pain.

Copied that from a short story on the first page.

" Oh holy mama! Hear this guys, 1:293adgft 2:3096ytsl = ?" Emmett cussed.

I rolled my eyes. " The answer is 1A, Em." we laughed quietly.

The math questions get harder and Edward passed his papers to us.

At last, we swapped papers to correct ourselves.

Rose poked her head to my French paper. " F, number 29. Whats the ans?" She asked Jasper.

" G. "

She helped me rubbed the wrong answer and corrected it. I thanked her and went back to Em's

English with mine.

" Oh. I hate Maths." Emmett grumbled, rubbing his paper with an eraser.

Edward always get good grades so he just sat there, staring at us as we copied his.

Then the bell rang and we quickly passed the paper back to Ed.

The head came back in.

" So, have you finish it?" he asked, ribbing his palms together.

We smiled innocently at him, nodding and passed his the papers before heading out.

Esme and Carlisle sat on the vouch like before,

" How the test? " Esme asked us, hyper.

" Oh, it's okay." we grinned evilly.

After an hour of waiting, the head came out holding our papers and smiled brightly at us.

" Congrats, Cullens! You all got A in the test!"

We smirked at each other. Thanks Edward. I thought in my head

Esme looked surprised, " Really? Oh I'm so proud! "

" You can choose your timetables now." The head gestured to a small table where our time cards


We sat down, happily and we had a meeting that everyone gets the same class together.

"1 Bio" Edward announced, we moaned,

" 2 Art." I declared, grinning.

" Geo." Jasper said next

" 4 French?" Emmett said.

" After lunch, we are going to have music." Rosalie smiled at the timetable.

" then English." I said,

" And then we will learn... Chinese!" Emmett laughed, scribbling down the name.

" Japanese?" Rosalie asked. We shook our head.

" His." Jasper loves World War.

" dinner. "

We finished it and got up from the seat. I walked to the head and asked him.

" Mr Greene? Can we all have the same apartment ? Since we are all siblings." I asked sweetly.

" Sure, Miss Cullen. I'll give you the keys." he smiled adoring at me.

I grinned and skipped back to Edward.

" so when are we starting?" emmett asked.

"next week."

We got the info papers about the Uni and went home.

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