Chp 12 Movies and Mario Carts

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Bella's POV

We settled in the mansion biggest room. It's really big. Like five rooms combined.

" Okay... Me and Rosie will share the king sized bed on the middle. " Emmett said, pointing at the


" Bella and I will sleep in the king sized bed on the farthest" Edward said, hugging me closer.

" Jazz and me will have the queen sized bed!" Alice squealed and all of us ran to our beds and

flopped to it.

We laughed. I pushed myself closer to Edward and kissed him. He kissed me back and we were in

the full make out session. When I detached my lips from his, he smirked.

" Looks like we all will have curtains beside our bed. "

I giggled.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

" Mr Banner? It's Edward. I want curtains beside every bed in room 26 before tonight, please."

" Yes. Master Edward." on the other phone obeyed. And he hung up.

" Now. Where are we?" he grinned. I giggled again.

On the conner of my eyes, I saw Emmett playing his video games that was attached to the big

flat screen with Rose.

I jumped of the bed, startling Edward and skipped to them.

" Whatcha playing?" I asked Em.

" Mario Carts." he replied simply, eyes glued to the television. He turned his torso to his left and


" Move away! Peachy Princess!"

" NO!" Rose laughed. I waved to Edward to come and he came, sitting beside me.

" After this round, we are in." Edward declared.

" We three!" Alice squealed and hopped to us, pulling Jasper.

" Oh! No! No! NO! Damn!" Emmett whined when he loses to Rose.

" Emmett loses to a girl!" Jasper and Edward laughed. We joined them except Em.

We played a lot. I know. I know. I'm a girl. But I like video games. What's the big deal? No one

Is the boss of me. Well, except Edward.

" Stop putting banana skins, Jasper!" I yelled.

" Fat dream! Hey! Who had the lighting?"

" Me!" Edward laughed.

" Wait. Where's Bella?" Al asked, pointing at the screen.

" FINISHING LINE, BABY!" I yelled in victory.

" Aww man." Edward mumbled.

We were also playing when the maids came in and build the curtains.

" What's the curtains for?" Rosalie asked.

" Ha! You are dead, Jasper! Oh. Er... We all will be having rated R pics at night." Edward

explained. We laughed.

" Clever." Emmett laughed the loudest.

" Move away, monkey man. " Edward grumbled as he turned his torso.

" Nu-uh." Em smirked.

" Aww. Man! Why do you have so many lightnings?" I whined when Edward won again.

He wriggled his eyebrows at me, muted.

" Let me chooseeeeee!" Emmett whined, snatching the controller from Alice.

" No! Don't chose the Hell! It's dark! Damn you Emmett!" Jasper complained.

" Wait. Where's Em?" I asked, frowning at the screen when the game started.

" In front of your sexy ass!" Em snickered.

Then Edward threw his controller down the ground and pushed Emmett.

" Don't you dare say that to Bella!" Edward roared, eyes glaring at Em.

I quickly stood up and hugged Edward to distract him.

Everyone's eyes were on Edward.

" What's your problem? " Emmett grunted, picking up himself. I let go of Ed and ran to help Em.

" Hey, you okay?" I asked him.

Edward stomped to us and glared at Em.

" Don't you mock my girlfriend. " Edward warned at Emmett and stomped out of the room.

I sighed and ran to the door.

I found Edward in my room, head in his hands.

" Edward." I sighed and walked to him.

" I'm sorry, Bella. I have some problems with my temper. Sometimes, I can't rein in. " He shook

his head. I kneeled in front of the couch.

" Why didn't you tell me that before?" I asked him softly.

He looked up, staring at my eyes. " I'm afraid you won't want me. I'm scared you'll leave me, like

my exes did."

" Edward." I breathed at his name.

" Edward. I won't leave you. I swear. I want you. Forever. I won't leave you. You are mine.

Forever. I don't care what temper you have. It's okay now. You have me. Don't be afraid."

I said as I hugged him, kissing his hair.

When he pulled back, he smiled a bit. " I want to apologize to Em."

I smiled." Let's go." And we walked hand in hand back to the room.

When we reached there, everyone was separated. Alice was Rosalie was in the kitchen. Jasper,

sitting beside Em. Emmett looked terrible.

" Emmett. I'm sorry. I lashed out at you. I'm sorry." Edward apologized at the same time, Rose

and Alice came, each holding a gigantic cup of popcorns.

Emmett grinned and walked to us. He hugged his brother tightly.

" it's okay. I'm sorry I was rude at you, Bells." he said, smiling.

" Great! Now everyone is happy! Let's watch movies!" Alice grinned and flopped to the couch.

Everyone copied her.

" What do we want to watch?" Jasper asked, hugging Alice.

" Whatever in your DVD machine." I said, eyeing Edward. Thinking at our earlier conversation

about porn movies.

Emmett laughed." You wanna watch porn movs?"

My eyes widen and Edward smirked at me.

" You guys really watch porn movies?" I asked.

The boys shrugged.

" we are guys. Accept the reality. " Jasper said.

" Yeah. 'Boys. If you guys don't look like calvin Klein's models, don't expect us to look like Victoria

Secrets angels. ' that's a reality. " I said, my hand up.

" But my girl looks like a Victoria Secret Angel." Edward whispered at my ear. I rolled my eyes.

" Can we don't have this kind of talk? I feel having the Sex Talk with my parents." Emmett


" Fine. But who watched the last porn movies?" Rose asked, looking around the room. Asking the


" Me." Emmett surrendered. We all laughed.

After some more laughs, we decided to watch Breaking Dawn forever.

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