12- Date

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"Are you okay?" Gerard said holding my hand on the couch

"When I was with Bert my dad was dead." I cried

"Oh princess I'm sorry." He whispered hugging me

"Maybe it was a trick." I smiled weakly

"Maybe he does that, now I know what will get your mind off that. How about my princess and I have a date."


"Of course, now I need to get ready see you in 10 minutes...be ready." He smirked leaving

I let out a scream and started pulling on a black dress with a red belt. I then put flats on and applied quick red lipstick.

Gerard then knocked on the door and I answered to see him in his suit

"M'lady." He smiled leading me to his car and opening the door

"Why thank you." I blushed getting in

After 7 minutes of chatting we finally got to a restaurant. He ran out of the car normal like and opened the door.

He's really making a effort isn't he?

We walked in

"Reservation?" The waiter asked looking at Gerard flirtatiously

"Yes for Way." He said looking at me

"Okay Sir." She said winking and walking us to a table

I sighed sitting on the chair

"You okay?" He asked holding my hand under the table

"Yeah." I smiled weakly

The waiter cleared her throat

"What do you want to drink?"


"Same for me."

"Okay." She replied walking off

"Bitch." I muttered


"Gee how old are you?"

"Oh fuck um....200?"

"Jesus!" I yelled and realized we were in a restaurant and blushed

Gerard just started laughing and the bitch...I mean waiter came back with water

"What would you like to eat?" The waiter said licking her lips and pushing her chest out

I growled and said "Salad. Please."

"Steak." Gerard said uninterested

"Coming right up." She said rolling her eyes leaving

"Anyways! Do you even have job I mean."

"Nope not at all, you?"

"No just waiting for school to finally be over."

"What grade are you in?"

"11th almost 12th."

"Thank god I was hoping you were."

I laughed and the waiter came back and left quickly

"God she's a bitch." I whispered to Gerard

"Yeah." He laughed and cut his steak to find blood

His face went dark and I grabbed his hand

"Gerard, look at me."

He looked at me and his face went normal

"I'm sorry." He whispered putting his head in his hands

"It's okay Gee." I said then motioned for a waiter

"Yes m'am?" A waiter asked

"This steak isn't done can please take it back."

"Of course would you like me to take it back here once it's cook?"

I looked at him trying to control himself

"Actually can we get our ticket?"

"Of course." The waiter said rushing to the back

She came back with the ticket and I grabbed Gerard's hand and drove us home. When I walked us inside his face was still dark.

Usually he stops but this time he wasn't

"Gerard." I whispered

Soon a knock appeared at my door and I saw it was Mikey

"Mikey!" I exclaimed opening the door

"Is Gerard here?" He asked

"Yes he's over there but he won't stop craving blood."

Mikey walked Gerard and slapped him

"What the hell?!" Gerard yelled

"Control yourself." Mikey said and whispered something in his ear

"Okay, bye princess. Thank you for the date!"

"Bye-" I said but before I could finish he left

princesses and vampires | gerard way✔Where stories live. Discover now