25- Jacob And Us

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I sat on my bed calling Jacob

"Violet!" He whispered yelled

"Jacob! Where are you!?"I exclaimed

"I don't know...it's dark and- Violet vampires are real." He said scared

"Wait do you hear people talking?"

"Yes- somebody's coming I'll call you back."

He then hung up

Hot tears escaped my eyes as I jumped up walked to Gerard

"Violet what's wrong!?" He asked hugging me

"Andy has Jacob I think."

"Of fucking course." He said walking away

"Gerard...we need to talk."

"About?" He asked


Gerard's POV
When she said that it felt like daggers went through my heart.

"Okay?" I said standing in front of her

"If feel as if I'm a bother...ever since we've been together nothing good besides us has happened. Do you think we should-" she started but I kissed her and let go

"Don't say that ever again. You are not a bother and I don't care if the world was ending as long as I'm with you."

She then started tearing up and I kissed her tear

"I love you." I said holding her hands

"I love you too."

"Now let's go save your brother...Mikey get your ass out here were on mission!"

"But I wanna write!" He exclaimed walking into the living room

"Oh c'mon you big baby." I said picking up Violet as we ran to the castle and stopped

"We are not here for any kind of revenge just Jacob, understand?" I said

They both shook their heads as we snuck our way in and followed the stairs that led to the basement. We tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Just our luck." Violet muttered crossing her arms

"I have the key." Mikey whispered opening the door

"What, how!?"

"I have my ways brother."

We then walked in to see Jacob on the floor sleeping

"Wake the fuck up Jacob." Violet whispered while Mikey and I quietly laughed

"Violet!" He exclaimed hugging her

"Yes it's me. Now let's go!" She said helping him up

Mikey then picked up Violet

"I'm not picking up the boy, you do that." Mikey giggled

"You fucking suck." I hissed

"I don't want to be carried."

"Just do it." Violet said

"Fine." I then picked Jacob up and we left the castle and entered Violet's house

"How, what, wait, what!?" Jacob said falling on the floor

"Oh Jacob this is my vampire boyfriend and his vampire brother." Violet said escaping Mikey's grasp

"Wha-" he said and fainted

And we laughed

"Fan fic material." Mikey whispered running to his room while Violet and I started dying of laughter

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