I drug my feet across the patches of grass and dirt that led my hideout.
Sure this was a terrible idea. Going to a place that's semi-close to the vampire fucking kingdom while vampires are deciding to be fucking idiots and show their true colors. Hell it's always been dangerous to come here, vampire or not. But I've always found it as a comforting enviromemt.
The way the tree-top leaves covered the sky but allowed enough space to let in rays of light and moonlight during dark. Nothing feels better than just relaxing here.
To be quite honest I get a more at home feel here than at my actual home. I miss this, I miss my old life.
In no way am I saying I don't like the guys but I miss simpler times. Before them I rarely got bullied, my dad was here, vampires weren't after me, I didn't have a shadow following me, and I didn't have voices that come and go as they please.
I'm not blaming it on them but with the way the events have been laid out it's hard to ignore. Maybe I'm over-thinking maybe I'm under-thinking. I'll never know but I know I need to make the best of now.
I need to let the guys calm, just stay here for a bit. Nothing can go wrong right?
"I've missed you so much..Baby." A deep voice whispered into my ear
Gerard's POV
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shouted at Frank"Sorry I was just giving my opinion on the situation, didn't know she would get offended."
"No! You're acting so fucking high and mighty because we're fucking vampires. Here's the thing we're not going to kill anyone, no one is gonna kill us. I don't give a fuck if we're the last vampires on earth we are not killing any humans. Let me repeat that. No. Killing. Humans. Understand?" I said firmly
"Fine I understand."
"Good now I'm going to go find Violet and Jacob and I swear if you don't apologize I will break every bone in your body." I hissed and slammed the door on my way out
I started walking but I quickly felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked behind me to see Mikey.
"What are you doing?" I asked still walking
"I'm not gonna let you go alone." Mikey smiled reassuringly
We then made our way to the hideout. We got there to see Andy attacking Jacob while Violet tried to throw him off...Andy!?
Violet's POV
Andy eventually stopped trying to attack Jacob and got up. I looked over to see Mikey and Gerard.Yes!
"Oh look its the king and prince! I'm so graced by your presence!" Andy exclaimed and following it up with a dark chuckle
"Shut the fuck up Biersack. Now would you care to explain this situation." Gerard growled
I then spotted Jacob and dropped to my knees. I put my hand over his neck, blood flooded my palm and dripped from my fingers.
"Help the boy and you're dead." Andy hissed
I don't care.
I don't fucking care.
I can't live without Jacob, I can't.
I then looked back over to see Gerard and Mikey fighting Andy. I then snapped back to Jacob and let tears fall.
I'm not losing him.
I looked back to the guys to see Andy run off and Gerard scream cuss words at him. Mikey then rushed to me side.
"What do I do?" I cried
"Gerard take Violet home I'll take care of Jacob."
"No buts, Gerard now!" Mikey exclaimed and Gerard picking me up and running us home
"What if Jacob dies." I said and cried into Gerard's chest
"That won't happen, I won't let it happen.

princesses and vampires | gerard way✔
Fanfiction❝ rose red, i will make you tell the truth. ❞ 🥀 in which a teenage girl falls for a vampire contains: strong language, self harm, depressing thoughts, eating disorders, panic/anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts, overdosing, sexual harassment, and su...