107- Being Alone Just Doesn't Work

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I awoke to Piper crying, has no one heard her? I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. I entered the living room to see it night time, I picked up Piper and did everything Gerard taught me to do when she cries but nothing works.

"Piper what's wrong?" I asked like I was expecting an answer

I looked behind me where Piper was looking and crying to see it. I screamed and hugged Piper rushing to my bedroom. I slammed the bedroom door and locked it, sliding down it.

"Violet what's wrong!?" Gerard exclaimed rushing to me

"I-it is o-out there." I cried and hugged Piper tight in my arms

"Move." He demanded I did as told

Once he left the figure appeared right in front of me. I held Piper as tight as I could while holding her ears and screaming. The guys then ran into the room, I looked up to see the figure gone. Tears streamed down my face as I held Piper.

"Don't leave me alone." I cried

I then felt lifted and Piper being took from my arms. I was then put in a bed and somebody next to me. I looked over to see Gerard I cuddled into to side as I sobbed.

"It's okay princess, you're okay." He cooed wrapping his arms around me

"W-where's Piper?" I asked

"Mikey has her, don't worry princess." Gerard reassured as I leaned my head on his chest
"Just give me my damn child," Aunt Maria shouted "I don't have all day!"

"Give me a second!" I screamed back and grabbed Piper's bag and her

"Thank god, I thought I would have to get her my damn self."

"Sure whatever." I sighed and handed her the bag and hesitantly handed her Piper

She then turned on her heels making a tap on the cement walkway, going back to her shitty car. I slammed the door and walked to the bathroom getting ready.

"Violet are you okay?" Gerard asked standing in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth

"Fucking peachy." I sighed rolling my eyes

"Just relax princess." He sighed back and wrapped his hands around my waist

"Because it's that easy." I scoffed

"Just shush darling."
I traced the lines on my science sheet, procrasinating than doing the task at hand. I sighed and set my pencil down while Miss Jackson read from the science textbook.

"Miss Jane!" Miss Jackson exclaimed

"Yes?" I asked raising my head from looking at my science sheet

"Did you even hear what I said?"

"No m'am." I sighed as muffled laughs came from the classroom

"Idiot!" Someone yelled then shortly aftet everyone started chanting idiot except for Mikey, Frank, Patrick, Pete, and Miss Jackson

"Quiet class!" She shouted and hit her ruler on the desk

So this is fun
"Oh you were so cute, lost in the front of class." Zach snickered as his friends pinned me to the wall

"Oh haha." I mocked

"Shut up!" He shouted and slapped me "Do not speak unless told to!"

"Sure, okay."

He then was about to punch me but he went flying to the ground along with his friends. Jacob helped me up as Zach and his friends fled.

"Are you okay?" Gerard asked hugging me

"I'm okay Gerard don't worry."

"I love you."

"I love you more..."

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