31- Date Night?

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"Gerard where are you taking me?" I giggled holding his hand as he led me somewhere

"Can't tell you...keep your eyes closed!" He exclaimed like a child


"Ugh, fine open your eyes." As soon as I did I saw we at my 'place' but no lanterns were on...just the moonlight

"Gerard?" I started

"Ah, ah. Look up." He smirked pointing up

I looked up to see stars shining bright, and the moon full

"It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed

"Just like you." Gerard said grabbed my waist kissing me

"That was so cheesy." I giggled leaning my forehead on his

He then let go and walked to a stereo, turning it on and soothing violin music came out.

Gerard then put his hands on my lower back and I put my arms around his neck

"I love you so much." He whispered

"I love you more." I giggled putting my head in his shoulder

Soon his phone rang and he picked it up

Gerard's POV
"Hello?" I asked into the phone

"Andy and Bob are here! Get home now, leave Violet there!" Mikey whispered then hung up

"Shit. Violet stay here, I need to go home."

"Gerard what's happening?" I could see the panic in her starting to kick in

"It's okay...just stay. Love you princess." I replied kissing her head and running home

When I got there I saw Bob standing outside and the bedroom light to Violet and I's room on.

I was then thrown to the ground and I opened my eyes to see Bob looking at me smirking

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled pushing him up against the house

"Where's your food I mean girlfriend?" Bob smirked

"You bastard." I bluntly replied kicking him in the stomach as he fell down

I walked inside to the room to see Andy looking around

"Why the hell are you here?" I asked leaning against the door frame

"Oh just looking." He replied smirking

"Well you had fun, out. Now."

"No thank you." He said pushing past me

"I said out." I growled pushing him to the floor

"It's sad, you think it'll be that easy to get rid of me."

"Gerard!" I heard Frank yell

"Mikey take care of Andy. What Frank?"

"I heard Violet screaming."

I could feel my blood boil before I could say anything I started running to the place where I left Violet

princesses and vampires | gerard way✔Where stories live. Discover now