32- I Don't Love You

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Violet's POV
What was wrong, why did Gerard leave?

"Hello." I soft girly voice whispered to me

I gulped loudly and turned around to see Bonnie

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled

"Oh sugar I want nothing but to talk."

"Fine then go on."

"You know he doesn't love you."

"Who?" I furrowed my eyebrows afraid of the answer

"Gerard of course, he is just waiting to kill you at the right moment."

"If this were true, how do you know?"

"He comes to the castle, I pleasure him because you don't."

"How is that any of your fucking business!"

"Oh he tells me everything, everything."

"He does not stay with you, you're just delusional."

"I'm delusional? You're the one with someone who doesn't love you."

"That's not true!" I screamed pushing her to the ground

"Violet!" I heard Gerard yell and he picked me up

Bonnie then left

"I was worried princess." He whispered and kissed my head

I looked away



"Damnit Violet!"

"Let me go." I said and looked into his eyes

"Violet what's wrong?" He asked looking into my eyes and set me down

"Why did you cheat?" I asked walking back a bit

"What?" He asked looking hurt

"Bonnie said you don't love me, she said you go over there and sleep with her because I don't." I replied tearing up

"Violet Bonnie is fucking lying! I don't give a shit about any of that I just want you and you being comfortable." He said grabbing my hands

"Gerard I-" I started but he cut me off by kissing me

"Let's get home." He smiled weakly picking me up and ran home

When we got home he set me the bed and we cuddled falling asleep in eachothers arms

Gerard's POV
I got up from my perfect princess sleeping. I grabbed coffee as the guys were whispering in the guest room

"Gerard..." Mikey said softly leaving the room

"Yes?" I asked drinking my coffee


I spit coffee everywhere

"What!?" I yelled

"He was assassinated." Frank budded in

"By who?"

A sly smirk then came across his face

"No." I replied wiping the coffee off the counter

"Yep and now Mikey is going to rule."

"Really?" I asked looking Mikey smirking

"I mean would you rather have Bob do it?"


"And do you want to?"

If I was placed ruler Violet would be targeted...


"Okay then, we are going to the kingdom. Wanna come?"

"Nah I'm gonna stay here with Violet." I smiled

"You're choice." He shrugged as he left with the guys to the kingdom

I hope he's a good ruler because we need something better than how Andy was...

Frank killed Andy...holy shit.

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