Chapter Eighty-Eight: Shadow In The Night

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I laid in bed and watched the ceiling fan circle. Gerard was out with the guys hunting and Jacob wasn't home either. I couldn't sleep my mind was too paranoid to sleep. My eyes then wandered to a shadow-y figure in the corner of my room. "Hello?" I asked sitting up slightly. The figure then moved closer to me and I let out a scream from the fear of the creature. "Gerard help me!" I screamed knowing I couldn't do anything since I was bedridden. I heard the front door open and the figure disappeared almost immediately. "Gerard help me please!" I shouted once again hoping it was Gerard who was home.

"Violet what's wrong!?" Gerard asked rushing to the bedroom.

"There was a figure trying to get me!" I exclaimed and did grabbing hands towards him.

"It's okay princess." He cooed and got into bed letting me cuddle into his chest.

"Gerard why are you not wearing a shirt?" I asked shutting my eyes feeling automatically safe.

"I know you don't like to see me with blood so I took it off since it was well...blood stained." He smiled and rested his chin on my head softly.

"I love you." I whispered but fell asleep before I could hear it back.

                                    • • •

"We have to stay with her at all times." I heard Gerard say from the living room.

"Why?" Mikey questioned.

"A figure was in her room last night...I think it's Andy." Gerard answered.

"I thought you guys killed him!?" Ray exclaimed.

"We did everything to kill him but he wouldn't turn to ashes." He replied which was new to me since he said he killed him. I was then ten times as paranoid but kept myself as calm and collected as I could be.

"Oh shit." Ray basically whispered from what I could hear.

"You understand that if we protect her we may die." Frank said which made me really upset since I wouldn't want anyone to risk their lives for me.

"I've known this since I've first met her, I'm okay with dying as long as she's safe. Now I hope you guys are in this with me." Gerard replied which made me almost squeal because it was so fucking adorable he cared about me that much.

"Always." They said and I swear my heart almost exploded from the happiness and sadness I was experiencing. Which made me come to this conclusion: they really do care.

                                    • • •

Everyone except for Jacob were sitting in the living room when Cassie started talking. "Oh Frankie." She sighed sounding really upset.

"Yes?" Frank questioned while sitting next to her.

"I'm moving." Cassie replied and a few tears leaked from her eyes.

I swear I've never seen Frank more happy in my life. "Baby I'm gonna miss you." Frank said and hugged her while looking at us about to die of laughter

"Can you drive me home Frankie?" She asked and started walking towards the door.

"No you can walk." Frank smiled and pushed her out the door.

"You're so mean to her!" I shouted from the couch actually a bit sad that Cassie was so in love with Frank she couldn't see how much he didn't care.

"Well she's so damn clingy and wants to start a family, she's 17 for fucks sake." He retorted and sat back down.

"I'm so glad I never dated you." I whispered but loud enough to where Frank could hear me.

"Excuse me?" Frank questioned acting offended.

"Oh nothing Frankie." I smiled innocently as Gerard wrapped his arm around my waist.

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