96- Babysitting Actually Isn't So Bad

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I awoke to the house phone ringing, it's four in the morning who the actual fuck is calling? I sighed and got up as the phone rang like it was a bomb.

"God I get it shut the fuck up." I said with a annoyed expression

I picked up the phone and changed my tone from annoyed to cheery

"Hello?" I cheered wanting to go to sleep

"Hey it's Jacob, Aunt Maria called she's bringing Piper over in a hour." Jacob sighed

"Who's Piper?" I asked cutting my eyes in a confused manner

"She's Aunt Maria's seven month old daughter...I thought you knew this."

"I didn't...but Jacob are you coming home?" I asked feeling a deep pit in my stomach

"I've really thought about it and truth be told I miss you a lot. I may come home tonight...if not I'll definitely be home tomorrow." He said and sounded like he was smiling

It took all I had to not scream of joy

"I miss you too! I'll see you tonight...or tomorrow, I love you."

"I love you too sis." He laughed and hung up

I then let out a little scream hoping I didn't wake the guys. I looked around and heard nothing so I snuck into the bathroom and got ready.

Shit...I have to take care of a baby, I hate babies. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I then heard a door bell echo through the house. The bell keep going until I finally answered the door.

"Ugh it's you, here take her, I'll be here tomorrow at noon to pick her up. Bye." Aunt Maria quickly said and handed me, or more like pushed, Piper and a bag at me

She ran (which I may say is the most exercise she's ever done) back to her car. I sighed and dropped the bag on the couch and cradle held Piper where her face was staring upwards. She barely opened her eyes but from what I could see she had shimmering hazel eyes which complimented her black hair.

"What the fuck is that thing!?" Frank exclaimed waking up

"That's a baby you idiot!" Ray replied smacking his head

I giggled but Piper cried...shit. How does one calm a baby!? I panicked and didn't know what to do.

I then saw Gerard wake up and stand in front of me.

"Give me the damn thing." Gerard laughed and I handed him Piper

He held her and and softly sung to her causing her to drift into deep sleep.

"How did you do that?!" I exclaimed

"Sh, the baby is sleeping." He whispered and let out a giggle

"Did you have kids or something?" I whisper yelled

"Remember I had to take care of Mikey as a kid."

"Shut up!" Mikey pouted
I fluttered my eyes open to see Gerard out the bed and whispering coming from the living room. I jumped up and walked out to my door and leaned against the doorframe to see Gerard softly singing to Piper. He looked so happy, just holding her.
He really has a instinct to take care of children apparently. Just as he finished singing she fell back asleep and Gerard looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and sat next to him observing Piper.

"I want her." Gerard chuckled and held her closer

"You really like her don't you?"

"I don't understand, it's just I feel attached to her."

"You must have some sort of parental instinct...Gerard you never had kids before correct?"

"No never, I just...I don't know."

"Well it's adorable." I giggled and rested my head on his arm

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