27- Eating Troubles

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Trigger warning; eating disorders
Finally after three hours, lunch time rolled around.

I followed the guys into the cafeteria to see Ray, Gerard, and Jacob. I didn't want to eat so I sat by the guys as Mikey and Frank got food.

"Aren't gonna eat?" Gerard asked holding my hand under the table

"No I'm not hungry." I sighed looking at my stomach

"Violet..." he trailed off as the guys came to the table

"I'm fine really." I said patting his hand "anyways...how's this school thing working out?"

"How do you deal with this shit for how many damn years!?" Frank asked

"I don't know, patience?"

During the whole lunch period Gerard didn't say a word he just kept holding my hand and staring at me.

When the bell rang I pulled Gerard to the side.

"Gerard what is wrong?" I asked looking into his red tinted hazel eyes

"I'm just worried about you."

"Gerard I'm fine, really. I love you." I said as I kissed him and walked to my class catching up with Mikey and Frank.

Gerard's POV
Something was wrong with Violet, I knew it. First she came out with her wrapping her jacket around her and now she won't eat.

It was now after school and they were talking about the day as I cooked dinner. When we all ate Violet looked at her plate and ate a bit of the rice. After thirty minutes she ran into bathroom saying her stomach hurt. I listened through the door and heard her throw up.

She wouldn't.

I knocked on the door and she opened the door teary eyed. I hugged her tightly and she wrapped her arms around me crying.

"Tell me why you did this?" I said sternly

"K-kids a-at school t-told me I-i was u-ugly and f-fat." She cried into my chest

"They are wrong. You are the most gorgeous woman ever. And you are not fat Violet, even if you were I'd still love you the same." I replied picking her up and carrying her to the room gaining odd looks from the guys

I set her on the bed, kissed her head and laid by her until I heard her breathing slow down and her eyes close.

I got up and walked to the living room shutting the door behind me.

"Did you guys see Violet with anyone today?" I asked cleaning the kitchen

"I saw her with a girl, why?" Mikey answered

"She was called ugly and fat today. That's why she wouldn't eat."

"I'm gonna kill them." Frank said

"Frank we can't beat up a girl but if I hear her bullying Violet again I'm talking to her."

"Can I talk to her?" Jacob asked

"I think it would be best if we left her alone to sleep...she needs it." I replied finishing up the dishes

He nodded and all their eyes returned to the tv as I finished cleaning.

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