19- Cook Off Gone Wrong

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I woke up to see Gerard was gone, so I got up and walked out the door to see Gerard and Mikey trying to read the label on the pancake batter.

"Move over I can cook better." I said yawning pushing past them

"Oh really?" Gerard asked raising an eyebrow

"Yep that's right Mr. I burn everything."

"This declares an cook off! Mikey you're the judge."

"Will do." Mikey smirked sitting at the bar

I grabbed the pancake batter out of Gerard's hands and poured it in a bowl.

"Steal much?" Gerard said glaring at me

"I'm sorry Mr. Way do you mind?"

"Very much."

"Too bad." I said sticking my toungue out stirring the batter

After the batter was done I put some in a pan and set it on the stove turning it on. In the corner of my eye I saw Gerard trying to slam the waffle box in microwave.

"Jesus Gerard, have you never cooked waffles?!"

"Well you know usually vampires don't need to cook food!" Gerard exclaimed, earning a giggle from Mikey

"Whatever..." I replied focusing on my pancakes which were done

I took them off set it on three plates and moved on to bacon. I got them and set them on the stove. Suddenly I felt something hit my head. I looked behind me to see a cracked egg shell on the floor. I felt the back of head to feel a yolk.

"Gerard Arthur Way!" I yelled chasing him around with flour

He then stopped and I poured flour on him

"Thanks." He said wiping the flour off his face

"No problem. Now who's gonna clean?...Not it!" I yelled

"Not it!" Mikey yelled

"You all fucking suck." Gerard muttered starting to clean the kitchen

I walked to the bathroom wanting to get cleaned up but I saw Andy standing there. I screamed and Gerard ran to me.

"What's wrong?!" He asked

"Just saw a bug." I lied to see Andy was gone

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." I whispered shutting the door and locking it

I then saw a movement of a man while in the shower. I grabbed the curtain wrapped it around me to look out a saw no one. I then turned the water off and jumped out, wrapping a towel around me. Then I looked behind me to see Andy he then got closer to me and kissed me. I screamed trying to get him off. I then heard the door trying to be unlocked and Gerard yelling my name.

"Its okay baby." Andy cooed kissing my neck

Suddenly the door opened and Gerard picked up Andy throwing him across the bathroom. Mikey then helped me up and led me to my bedroom to let me get dressed. I then slipped on my robe then I heard yelling and crashing.

I heard someone leave I then looked out the window and saw Andy running from the house. The door opened and Gerard stood there looking pissed and relieved.

"Gerard I-i-" I started but was interrupted with Gerard kissing me

"You're mine." He said grabbing my hand squeezing it

"I love you." I whispered in his chest

"I love you more Violet." He said wrapping his arms around me

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