14- Mother

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"Gerard why were you gone?" I asked laying my head on his arm

"My mother bans me from here, I don't want you hurt."

"But Gerard without you I get hurt, I need you." I said tearing up

Then his phone rang

"Yes Mikey?"

After the conversation he looked like a puppy that's been kicked

"Gee honey what's wrong?" I said looking up at him

"M-my mother's dead." He said

"I'm sorry."

"I don't care about her but we now need a new ruler and she said in her will that it won't be her sons. It's either gonna be Andy or Bob."

"What?!" I exclaimed standing up pacing

"Violet I'm living here until it's over."

"No Gerard you need to protect your kingdom."

"By the time they get elected there'll be nothing to protect."

"Gerard what about Mikey?"

"He stay too right?" He said with puppy eyes

"Gerard I-"

"Pleaseee!" He exclaimed with puppy eyes

"Okay fine but I'm coming with you to get your things."

"Deal!" He said grabbing my hand and running

We finally made it to his place and other vampires were everywhere

"Just stay low and behind me." Gerard said whispering

We passed by everyone but was then stopped by Bob

"Oh lookie it's Gerard and his little girl." Bob laughed

"Go away." He hissed showing fangs

"I bet if she was bleeding you would kill her."

"Don't you dare." He seethed through his teeth

"Oh watched me." He smirked and grabbed my arm cutting it

"Fuck!" I screamed falling on the ground

I looked up to see vampires surronding me even Gerard. I wimpered trying to get through them. But then Gerard grabbed my arm trying to get to the blood. I starting crying...I couldn't even trust him.

"What the hell are you doing go back home!" Andy yelled coming from the stairs

They all looked at him and ran but Gerard looked up at me and looked ashamed. I yanked my arm back holding it.

"Ah! Violet I see you came to visit! Too bad your boyfriend was about to kill you."

"No I wasn't!" Gerard yelled

"Mhm now Violet." Andy said coming up to me and putting his hand in my back pocket

"Why don't you follow me." He said with his eyes staring into mine

What the hell was he doing

Gerard then pushed him in the ground and we ran into his room.

"Violet I love you. I wouldn't hurt you. Please forgive me." He said full out sobbing hugging me

"Gerard, it's okay! I love you." I said looking at him and kissed him

We pulled apart to see Mikey at the door looking like he has seen jesus himself

"What?" I laughed putting my hand on my hip

"You kissed and ahhh!" He screamed running into his room

"Okay...?" I said looking at Gerard

"I'll talk to him."

Gerard's POV
I walked out of my room and into Mikey's to see him writing and giggling.

"Whatcha writing?" I asked leaning on the doorframe

"Pfft not a story about you and Violet."

"Okay...get packed we're moving in with Violet until this rally thing is over."

"Really? Yay!" He exclaimed

I walked back to see Violet playing with the thread on her jean. I threw some things into a bag and grabbed Violet's hand and Mikey followed us into the car where we sped off to Violet's house.

princesses and vampires | gerard way✔Where stories live. Discover now